研究生申请了Medicine in Engineering (course base), 只要学满10 courses就可以毕业了,初来乍到,不知该如何选课,求师哥师姐给点意见。 A. Introductory "Engineering in Medicine" Courses (choose 2) - Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System (MME 9511)
- Eng. Analysis of Physiological Systems (BME 9502)
- Fundamentals of BioMEMS (BME 9520)
- Introduction to Biomaterials Engineering (BME 9525)
- Medical Device Design (MME 9640)
B. Core Engineering Science Courses (choose 2) - Advanced Dynamics and Kinematics (MME 9622)
- Advanced Statistical Process Analysis (CBE 9190)
- Applied Measurements & Sensing Systems (MME 9610)
- Finite Element Methods (MME 9612)
- Linear Systems and Modern Control Theory (ECE 9056)
- Mathematical Methods in Engineering (CBE 9170)
C. Courses in Advanced Topics (choose 4, or 2 courses plus MEng project) - Actuator Principles, Integration & Control (MME 9624)
- Advanced Bioengineering and Biotechnology (CBE 9260)
- Biomechanics of Human Joint Motion (MME 9615)
- Computer Aided Geometric Modeling (MME 9728)
- Introduction to Digital Image Processing (BME 9509)
- Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip (MME 9724)
- Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (MME 9620)
- Optomechatronic Systems (MME 9729)
- Telerobotics (ECE 9992)
- Tissue Engineering (BME 9526)
- Transport Processes (CBE 9160)
Course Substitutions (up to 2 courses in category C)
; S$ K' J7 f5 \2 v- H; s(Students interested in these courses must satisfy the course prerequisites, and obtain permission from both the instructor and the Associate Chair - Graduate of their home department) - Advanced Digital Control Systems (ECE 9057)
- Advanced Image Processing and Analysis (ECE 9022)
- Advanced Nanomaterials (MME 9726)
- Biotransport Phenomena (MME 9732)
- Current Topics in Biomechanical Engineering (MME 9733)
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes (CBE 9544)
- Photonic Devices: Principles and Applications (ECE 9070)
- Piezoelectric Materials (MME 9725)
- Random Signals, Adaptive and Kalman Filtering (ECE 9023)
- Robot Manipulators (ECE 9053)
- Software Engineering for Human-Computer Interface Design (ECE 9200)
PLEASE NOTE: Interested students may also be able to enroll in some additional BME courses and other 97xx-level courses offered by the CBE, ECE and MME Department with the approval of the course instructor and the Associate Chair-Graduate of their home department.
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: V @- v7 [2 ID. Professional Engineering Courses (2) -- (Offered in summer term)
5 E+ Z8 r" U$ S4 C7 w" e - Intellectual Property for Engineers (ECE 9010)
- Risk Assessment and Management in Engineering Systems (CBE 9185)