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发表于 2009-10-31 18:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' ^& H1 H8 q/ F: n4 [
  A+ F' }' f8 @" o$ f' q8 y3 }Hi Friends,) Y+ W5 ^0 K" L, w/ s7 [

- |6 e# ]; r4 T5 J8 P& k* s$ `' W> I just had an experience which I hope you will not have to go
8 S* m, e% J0 I* y2 Q9 L> through yourselves...
" |9 t* A  ?' Y0 ^) z1 h, w> I was driving on the 427 South at Burnamthorpe in broad
1 t$ F; \3 e3 U5 c3 |; W- `> daylight at 2 p.m., when I came upon two police cruisers who had pulled over" a! Y( a' F; {( a( i) i) y% Z! `" a' G
> a third vehicle. I slowed down to be cautious, and was surprised when the
( o) u+ k7 d- J# B2 @+ T2 F1 C> second cruiser pulled out and pulled me over. Approaching on the passenger
! G9 _. F4 o5 Q5 u4 \> side, the officer asked if I knew why I had been pulled over. I honestly! u* o; O- A- S
> expressed that! I had no idea.$ |& r" I5 j3 x: J
> He informed me that Ontario law now states that when: I8 J9 ?" f# n1 [
> approaching any emergency vehicle on the roadside with lights flashing, you
" O% Q* w& T: u2 K  R5 E' D  t> must enter the left lane. He then proceeded to ticket me, taking three% P+ y+ |2 y9 E# W
> demerits and issuing a fine of , wait for it, . . $490! (Yes, I\'m choking' `$ O4 \) ]  A! z# P3 Q) ^: Q
> as I type that.) I realize I did not change lanes, but I do believe I was: {) \5 R- j, j+ U. I
> cautious.) `$ A3 E$ o' c7 s. `) G
$ x9 b  O0 J/ r) n7 P: g; R8 _# ]> My message is, be careful. He said that they are cracking down7 U! s: A! A3 z
> hard on this because of injured officers. I did not realize this was the
  z; d9 |+ D8 `3 ~; a% e. J> law. Neither did any of my recently-licensed children. Or evidently not the
. r) _4 h+ h" K& Q>! other 47 drivers pulled over.
# C( v& u$ }$ w) N4 _9 H4 y' t: _7 |>
6 C4 x: Q* F/ D7 L7 M) ?% z, H/ b> If you want to read the legislation click on the site
0 K1 |5 W! e  S- e. U- G/ l4 {/ N; w. j+ m7 T: C
9 D2 {$ D% c( X! @1 |. l6 q! J$ x3 z. v, ]) {9 e" z( D3 M6 u
> Hefty fine if you don\'t change lanes!!!!!!! 3 demerit points on top of cash.9 [) z7 i2 D( A  V/ T3 ~8 X9 I: Q
Go to the link above and check it out.
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