随着人们生活水平提高,对食物的要求也越来越高。食品科学与工程专业在食品行业内的技术工程领域,营养健康领域,安全检测领域,监督管理领域发挥着越来越重要的职责与作用。今天主页君带领大家探究一下加拿大食品科学类的相关情况,并有UBC Food science(本/硕)介绍。 专业概述 . r7 \/ R0 r% R: u3 B
食品科学专业大部分属于理科类,专业包涵很多学科,例如食品化学、食品工艺学、食品微生物、食品安全和毒理学、食品生物技术、食品质量评价等。与之相关的学科也有食品和营养、食品和资源经济学、食品安全与质量保证等。 目前有许多高校开设了这个专业,中国农业大学,比如浙江大学、北京林业大学、南京农业大学等。本专业学生要掌握食品分析、检测的方法;具有工艺设计、设备选用、食品生产管理和技术经济分析的能力;了解食品储运、加工、保藏及资源综合利用的理论和发展动态。毕业生适宜到有关食品研究机关、设计部门、检验单位、食品工厂、企业从事设计、研究、生产技术管理工作。当然,如果不想进入具体的生产部门,也可在高等院校、研究机构从事教学科研工作。
2 s$ Y, Q( K3 h& s- X3 P& g4 p就业前景 2 d& ~4 [% u' I h, X3 [- R, y
职业导向:食品技术专家,食品研究和开发科研人员,质量控制经理,食品检验员,食品加工工程师,食品包装技术专家等。 就业前景:食品制造商,食品原料供应商,食品加工设备供应商,包装材料供应商,其他食品相关企业。政府职能部门如海关、商检、质量监督、卫生防疫、环境保护部门等。
S9 {9 O0 l; v+ _ F课程设置 L2 m* g: t% c1 ?1 ^
食品化学、食品微生物学、食品生物化学、食品工程原理、食品添加剂制备与应用、食品营养研究法,食品分离技术,现代食品分析技术,实验设计与数据处理,现代食品加工学。 Ubc Food Science : s* V) x. n6 v7 Q, _
本科 Program Information 项目信息 Campus: Vancouver Faculty: Faculty of Land and Food Systems Degree: Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health 4 yrsLength YesCo-op Option NoHonours Option
7 Z6 C* y! g' Y! Q8 q 0 ~9 ?; j8 s4 U% W( ~0 z
Food Science is the study of the chemistry and microbiology of food; the physical, sensory, and nutritional properties of food; and the science of food process, including the manufacture, preservation, quality assurance, and safe development of food products. Career options in food science include chemistry technicians, product technicians, food processing specialist inspectors, and food laboratory managers.
5 ?4 N* `* q9 a% c+ |Program Requirements录取要求 Graduation from a university-preparatory program at a senior secondary school: 高中或者预科毕业 Upper Middle School Report of Grades. 高中成绩单 Huikao or Academic proficiency test results provided by China Qualifications Verification (CQV). 会考成绩
9 P0 _- R' Q$ V8 r1 j: a4 n Gaokao examinations results provided by CQV. UBC expects students to achieve a minimum provincial Tier 1 university cut-off score. 高考成绩达到一本线! a) Q5 G) q. e1 P
If you are not writing the Gaokao, you must submit one or more of the following standardized examination results: SAT, ACT, or three or more Advanced Placement exam results in three or more distinct subjects. Competitive results must be achieved in these examinations. 如果没有高考,可以提供SAT,ACT或者3门以上AP课程成绩 ( ~( O. M1 g3 D3 D/ Q& p6 f$ V
Admission average calculated on final year academic courses/exams: 成绩要求 Grades required for admission will vary by program, but based on the China grading scale, the minimum average needed to fall within the competitive range is approximately 84% (where the minimum pass grade is 60%). GPA84%
5 {, W* C1 m( h! M/ ?: s Degree-specific Requirements: Food, Nutrition, and Health食品、营养或者健康专业还需要必修. [% v7 r: T2 t6 M
Three years of Upper Middle School Math (Pre-Calculus) 3年高中数学 Two of Chemistry (2 full years), Physics (2 full years), or Biology (1 full year) 2年化学,2年物理或者1年生物中的其中两门
) G! h9 u9 F1 G$ ^1 _ ( \. s& \% K+ l, F* H6 G: S% e9 M
学费+ n: I: u8 u! f
International students Student fees1
8 A b" W1 u8 D* |0 t" @- G. ^2 i% f1 I) l4 h
硕士 Program Information 项目介绍 The Food Science Program offers opportunities for advanced study and research leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in the areas of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, Food Process Science, Food Microbiology, Food Safety and Toxicology, Food Biotechnology, Food Quality Evaluation and Wine Biotechnology. & P5 L, H! U* g: G7 R
Program Requirements录取要求 the Bachelor's degree of at least four years of study
$ u4 \& c/ H) e9 L3 Q" E6 Eoverall average of B+ standing.2 b* V8 y4 d& q0 f
此外还需完成以下课程 FNH 309 Food Process Science FNH 301 Food Chemistry I FNH 302 Food Analysis FNH 403 Food Laws, Regulations, & Quality Assurance FNH 313 Micro Organisms in Food Systems FNH 300 Principles in Food Engineering
) N7 s5 P/ {! h$ c 4 X( N& y3 X( Q2 h6 W3 W6 k
英语要求 雅思 6.5小分6 托福(Internet) 90; H, C6 i( `2 O8 {
/ [; d0 H R; R" K9 P" g4 e/ w! A听力:22
/ K3 ^+ s, Q4 v1 u7 y" G写作:21
% o, y j! i1 |4 I8 @4 z& Z说:21 托福(paper) 55 each for Reading, Listening, and Writing (4.0 on TWE)
' i R# A% P" ?! ?5 V2 [学费5 D0 k5 D) g1 t1 t+ b2 x9 C
International students $34,234.88/year |
: d; Y Q! ?0 u9 @3 o7 Z6 ~3 I
$ x% V1 r, V2 O3 v2 t7 @7 h1 a8 v; D* f& q" a1 u
申请加拿大留学请加微信canadaliuxuehelp或扫描二维码详聊 更多加拿大院校资讯请关注公众号 9 d4 D" q3 C! Q6 P
3 I6 i* r" Q7 y9 k5 n) Q |