本帖最后由 luna 于 2011-6-5 00:50 编辑 / n* w. w# X* Y* m; d4 Z4 w9 P N6 U
5 R% q) }! K; c# `5 W我家现在吃粗粮比较多~可能是BBQ吃多了,心里有愧疚~哈!米饭换成糙米,馒头换成窝头,面包换成全麦~不过话说回来,其实玉米面做出来的东西真的很美味~配油腻的菜,最香。做法也比白面来的容易。. Q* E `5 m/ U7 c! j& Y : z4 I V" |% Y" I' A 4 a# v( c' V1 \* `" P( g1 A
" x9 h. E3 k9 o4 h) A, o
Often see these wonderful food photo pictures, which are awesome. Just curious that if you are a professional chef. And wonder if you offer the class of cooking these authertic chinese food. If you do, I will sign up your class. Thank you.
回复 6#Piccadilly* p$ w$ X |2 ]. i7 \
, A% u6 U/ F( b3 u. r5 K
( Q* U1 l; }% Y Sorry honey~I'm just a housewife who has a huge passion about cooking. & O. y- X( P( i$ y: s6 D
I would love to share all my famliy recipes with you, if you like just ask.