本帖最后由 Independent 于 2011-6-5 23:43 编辑
( V" T/ O: m3 X: `9 ?* T9 |4 k# _& `
八月电费单或将高低峰用电计价-Guelph- g8 z' x# Q0 g: y+ x
Guelph 地区预计将八月实行 “实时制高低峰用电” 数字电表价. 1 U3 b2 E) m( g5 X, O
+ c4 p; d; N- a一语读网 周末编译 能源简讯 Time-of-use billing coming soon/ J* M2 @5 w! p$ L, }0 ]) Y4 }
Guelph 地区已有约 48,000 居民及中小商户业者,安装了法定的数字电表。六月中旬, 当地电力将以书信邮递方式, 提前 60 天通知消费者。 这样该地区消费者用户(居民及中小商户业者)预计将在八月开始收到第一份高低峰计价的帐单。7 {% H! ]# n% R4 H
/ x- P6 M. n* k& v1 i2 L! ]1 G2 E
off-peak 低峰价 (5.9 cents per kilowatt hour), mid-peak 中峰价 (8.9 cents per kilowatt hour) and on-peak 高峰价 (10.7 cents per kilowatt hour). 计价每度电 高低峰平均价位 将达 0.085 kWh.
" P) r( Q9 g$ y1 [' U1 W& @, D
& S! V- C% G2 S- |% q# ^% E8 b1 `# c据 www.guelphmercury.com/ 当地网民回忆:"绿能法的数字电表刚出台时, 低峰价为 0.029 / kWh(2.9 Cents ) 而现在已经达到 0.059 / kWh (5.9 Cents )
5 D4 A5 s5 ]. Y! B9 H% z2 Y1 v* B
链接:"http://www.guelphmercury.com/news/local/article/541385--time-of-use-billing-coming-soon$ ~1 D" j/ m8 o; z6 y' b; K; O
% C+ o) o8 F$ ~8 h$ b
文章摘录 GUELPH — The smart meters are installed. Next comes time-of-use billing.0 l: u4 s$ r( m4 B. ]0 o; J9 y
Guelph Hydro, following a mandate from the government of Ontario, has installed 48,000 so-called smart meters on residences and small businesses in the city. The meters are the province’s way of discouraging Ontarians from using electricity during peak times when demand is generally at its highest, and giving them an incentive (lower rates) to use power in the off hours. It’s believed the measure will contribute to a more reliable electricity system and reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation.
' E; v% T4 v1 h; ?3 e! nWhile some Ontarians are already on the time-of-use billing, Guelph homes are not. But it is coming very soon.( s3 b( g& }. o8 f
全文阅读: Print Version, http://www.guelphmercury.com/print/article/541385 
Time-of-use billing coming soon
Rob O'Flanagan, Mercury staff, June 2, 2011
* v+ l R: h! x- [8 }; G3 \9 M, W7 ^ *资料编译:' N3 A: Z* f. m ^' N& J3 m, O
Team @Energy.Tech.Inc 
A new way of looking at energy bills.
' ^* [1 g% b: U 编者注:继安省能源局四月中公布 各地普通电价上调, 各地方电力公司加快推行绿能法的数字电表的计价。 而五 月一日起, 地方普通电价 由 0.074 上调为 0.079 kWh,高峰电价调整为 0.0107 kWh 平均价上升为 0.085 kWh。五月一日实行普通电价上调8%-15%后将反映在 六月始的电费帐单中。 Guelph 地区 在六月中旬, 当地电力将以书信邮递方式, 提前 60 天通知消费者。 这样消费者(居民及中小商户业者)预计将在八月开始收到第一份高低峰计价的帐单。
3 m1 x/ o+ b' h" t4 o$ G. i/ t G O" H9 R2 `1 v
这次分时电价的上调涨幅达 8-15%。对用量较大的工商用户影响较大!安省独立电网每月公布的 安省批发平均指数 2011为 0.0321 kWh 是真实最低工商批发指数。用电量较大的华人工商中小用户, ( 150,000 -250,000 kWh / 年 以上) 或含以下,如何得到基于安省工商平均指数的批发电价?. l/ M9 X1 V2 ?1 u& ]
2 Q% `$ k% t: {' \欢迎讨论:咨询华语能源服务
9 t9 J* i: T( xLei, John Zhang -Commercial Specialist
* } J( x' r5 [4 [ G6 S; CDirect 647 247 8497 Cell 905 802 5896 ( Auto Fax ) 905 333 8359
8 M u2 t& q9 N- t# e3 STeam @Energy.Tech.Inc E-mail: john.just.energy.ontario @ gmail.com
" h. e5 r0 c* s# q6 w" s! C/ U
' n0 l. D7 V+ C( L8 Z" y, E% A
*A new way of looking at energy bills. Energy Consultancy, Independent Researcher, Commercial Service ( OEB. Licence ) License No: GM-2010-0152 /ER-2010-0153 ) * Team @Energy.Tech.Inc, A member of CFCA, MCBA, CCBC, |