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[本地旅游] 伦敦的那些景点









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1073 金币
发表于 2013-4-9 19:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' }6 i, Z) U9 r; W$ c! S% x位于Springbank Park的Storybook Garden很好,很有Disney乐园的风格,小孩很喜欢。% `& c6 l' U  h7 U+ ~& Q0 j) R. h
- `4 v$ G9 W" n$ k! s, A) }- b
Museum of Ontario Archaeology/ {8 n9 l; O8 L  c% Q& N
1600 Attawandaron Rd., London, N6G 3M6+ k  z' ?+ O5 l" H: U
Phone: 519-473-13603 N* j% Z$ X7 D5 f* [+ e
) x  |6 R0 O- n1 V: H/ G! t% {5 `0 P0 n: n& c7 Y' s, i8 z
Museum Hours:
% J$ t5 X* I/ K6 }  c, b. I2 e    10:00 AM to 4:30 PM: ?" |  Y! ^$ w. e# {8 n$ u
    September to April : Open Wednesday to Sunday
9 R9 U. T3 K. \% Y    May to August: Open Daily6 r; n7 K: t) i' R3 @
    Outdoor Site Open All Year (weather permitting)
+ y8 |% d! v4 X. B+ _6 MWe are Closed for the Holiday Season from December 23 - December 28 and December 31 - January 1st.0 ^/ p3 y4 l/ \! C) x8 {* d& A
We will be Open December 22, 29, 30, and resume regular hours January 2nd.
+ a6 M. n9 w4 q' B; [
% \, k( K: v5 |4 J; ?% f7 JAdmissions:$ i; D" Q4 Q( e9 X0 a5 C- M
    Adults: $5.00" m4 `. V+ P9 W8 E
    Seniors: $4.00
4 |# q8 Q+ D1 _: Y" m. ~    Students: $4.00
" [+ q- C' \$ w. e# U& t" \# C    Children (ages 5 -12): $3.00
( ~$ H6 z3 M) Q# O* T. F    Children (under 5): Free
. q* ^  u! [  R- `# A) F0 X# f" v; Q    Family (1 or 2 adults & children) $12.00
2 \/ }' l1 T1 ^4 M: D1 }+ n1 F
+ @- l3 j5 t$ o% a
& ]) k% V' q9 eThe Secrets of Radar Museum1 r# o0 \+ n+ e' T* c. j( R
931 Western Counties Rd (off Commissioners in the Westminster Ponds area behind Parkwood hospital)9 M. k4 A$ T, K- Z7 T" r+ s1 _" j8 l
Phone: 519.691.5922
" U: v2 [# A/ D" g; Rhttp://www.eldonhouse.ca/) M; R! O1 |# Y. n0 S- C& R8 a9 x

! G9 a$ F  l, t* i& Q! O' dOpen to the public Thursday to Saturday, this museum works to preserve the history of the use of radar in the Canadian military. One of top 10 sites in London. Almost 6,000 Canucks were trained on radar in the Second World War, holding an oath of secrecy for 50 years. The museum was created to preserve the story of those vets, and has continued to share the story of radar as it was adapted for use in the Cold War, medical sciences and domestic appliances.
" o) |  t$ T7 H! M- j. y0 A+ o9 H8 Z' `8 w, w
- \" g" c# L) M  ]) v( ], _
London Model Railroad Group Inc." D. b& ]3 y- ]: i: a0 K8 |3 A7 H! \! v
69 Holborn Avene, London, Ontario, N6J 2R2,
! p; X8 F/ \! X. D7 tPhone: (519) 432-1491+ z: _( |: f4 w2 {
http://lmrg.org/6 _1 v6 Y. L2 k4 e0 t+ m- n
Our layout is open to the public the first Tuesday of each month from October to May, and special dates around Christmas and school March break. 7:00-9:30 PM  U" s( u8 `+ k. X
The building was a former bus garage. In the early seventies it was purchased by the London Model Railroad Group, established in 1938 with four members, as the new location for its O Scale Model Train Layout. As you enter the doors of the Lake Erie International building your attention will immediately be drawn to a fully operational O Scale railway, which measures 40x100 feet in size. There are many more things to see and the layout is always under construction.. F7 o$ X& q4 y: M6 y2 H- J6 t

+ }7 d3 e6 w- f8 F+ ?, s( V& j9 L1 x+ N9 e" P/ \
Fanshawe Pioneer Village9 [& \! O/ P$ Z
2609 Fanshawe Park Rd. E., London, ON, N5X 4A1
3 B$ F3 R2 i% U* D& {% E4 h- lPhone: 519-457-1296
7 D$ h7 f* U8 d$ {0 E- lhttp://www.fanshawepioneervillage.ca/# l+ N; S$ e- q( y
Tuesday - Sunday and Holiday Mondays ( CLOSED REGULAR MONDAYS )& p8 d2 D& e2 U7 v; _3 D
Usually from mid-May to mid-October
$ t) _, l# I. M  k(Saturday, May 18th, 2013 to Monday, October 14th, 2013)
6 f1 X& _% B0 H- q* c! e10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
; q% T& ]. D& N/ CFanshawe Pioneer Village tells the story of rural communities in the former townships of Westminster, London, North Dorchester, Delaware, West Nissouri and Lobo in Middlesex County from 1820 to 1920 and the founding and development of the City of London up to 1840., _$ F' Y% k2 l0 L& H5 U" n, {4 l
; e- e( U  _8 b# }0 e
; v- O/ j; k- v  v6 q) |7 t6 C
Royal Canadian Regiment Museum! u( \2 ]+ G" j
750 Elizabeth Street (to the south off Oxford Street)) A5 K- B) e2 [* q0 x/ L/ H
Telephone: 519 -660-5102: m" J) t$ ^$ n+ H6 Y  E
http://www.theroyalcanadianregiment.ca/- Y  x3 _' t7 V" W8 O% C
1 @/ g6 V2 {- Q" D) r( f) @
This museum celebrates the achievements of Canada's oldest regular infantry. The museum has four main areas: The Centennial Room, the War Memorial Room, A Library and Quiet Room for reflection and prayer. Billed as “one of London’s best-kept secrets.”& A' t- R/ g9 V. c5 t
. k  R4 I1 `' J4 [, Q, W) _- Z

* }, O5 c( S8 R  }3 G8 ?7 l/ N8 d& P2 y! o
Eldon House
9 p% {) r9 b  I5 J+ S; G481 Ridout Street North, London, N6A 5H4 4 C- {! e6 ~( Z  g
' z1 l7 d. p& ^) A
4 P9 [& Z9 }" i$ S7 c5 U- iEldon House is an historic site in downtown London that has been preserved and maintained since 1960 when it was donated to the City of London. It was home to four generations of the Harris family, and is an excellent example of Georgian and Regency architectural styles. Its gardens are considered one of the most beautiful in the city.& u9 f; F7 k% b5 x
Admission- P9 p6 y7 W  B/ u2 G! f
Wednesday and Sunday by donation
! ^* \! w# q  eOther days: Adults $6
, h$ i  ~+ U1 qStudents (age 14 and older) and Seniors $5
0 O, P+ a+ F, j( V7 PChildren (age 13 and younger) $15 B1 @) f$ C0 t# Y3 f% `
Families $11) Q5 |2 y) D. j
, ~) M8 r9 r: u
8 s2 d: W' @  B' I* q( m
( V/ e5 e' [; E1 J8 ~  H) D: m
Banting House National Historic Site of Canada' @' d/ N/ ~' h* b) @
442 Adelaide Street North, London, Ontario, N6B 3H8
* o/ q% c* b7 Phttp://www.londonheritage.ca/Mus ... yp=Museums/Archives/ v: }# J; f2 X) G" ]  J, o

) }* K! J2 t* ^3 @) v9 A9 ^* ~/ g6 ?- iKnown as 'the birthplace of insulin', the Museum occupies the house where Dr. Banting lived and practiced medicine. Recognized as the site of the defining moment in the discovery of insulin, the Museum highlights the artistic, medical, military, and scientific careers of Sir Frederick Banting.
7 L- |  I# q2 @, ~: G: A/ B( Y* qAdmission:
0 `& Z! [" i, MAdults $5, Seniors/Students $4, Families $12, Children under 5 FREE, Groups $60) X5 V: K4 ~8 c5 K9 B! j
; p+ V' e' J! e5 L0 V8 `- z- `

7 {: o& b1 w4 b* b6 ~London Regional Children's Museum6 Z# g+ V: x& O! f
21 Wharncliffe Road South, London, N6J 4G5/ E/ L4 L) h  U1 }( f
Telephone: 1 519 434-5726; R! v# ?- T- \! H7 E% t( y' C

# j3 q. m0 {8 c: T$ y0 U2 bAt the London Regional Children's Museum, children are encouraged to learn about their favorite subjects through hands on activities and play. Little ones can dig for dinosaur bones, crawl through caves, travel to the stars, run their own McDonalds and more.
* t4 |- c& }% @$ D0 C1 R! G- ?" `% k8 [$ J- m2 @0 T

9 b( O2 m5 M/ w. s
& O; V2 v- X; o& _; M! P6 mBullet Storybook Gardens
$ w# k3 m1 \$ G& E/ j1958 Storybook Lane, N6A 4H6
9 v0 j/ F2 e4 P: |Telephone: 519 661-5770* V9 o& ], z5 T: t! U! B3 v/ R( h
Located in Springbank Park, Storybook Gardens, a place for children, offers a day filled with fun for the whole family. Famous storybook characters, playgrounds and flower gardens are scattered throughout the park. The park is also a mini zoo, with 43 species of birds, mammals and reptiles. Storybook Gardens also has daily entertainment, a merry-go-round, a miniature train and a Thames River cruise boat.1 j) b$ c+ G& b7 n+ _; [" O
By the way, Springbank Park is a good place to see red leaves in the autumn.5 M5 W$ v! ]: `# R* w1 }

4 f2 j. I* h) U8 D
, y# q4 J% v  ^5 E6 p& H
+ R& V1 j; h+ [/ v  pLondon Fire Station No. 4
, D$ L2 j* w3 L: D( I) `* K807 Colborne St. (at St. James)' G) y$ W/ `4 [0 K8 B- c3 ]
0 W) H% O. {' D+ T5 E' k2 m! GOne hundred and three years old and truly beautiful.& l2 e2 T( [" M4 `. a7 x- u" H
, ]9 F4 D/ M6 N+ t) ]9 e/ J& O

* F. F9 q5 v, e$ {& y/ m
* ?7 E4 L1 z) p+ k8 vRailway Caboose
* p( ]: J* S7 Z( ?8 @2342 Trafalgar St. (at Crumlin Sideroad).
- F) Q, H1 g7 s8 aThe once familiar wooden railway caboose is remembered and beloved by many Canadians. The caboose’s interior includes a small collection of photographs and artifacts related to freight service and early railway telecommunications.
$ S: Y5 a  x5 }% W7 D* H+ Q3 P9 g, S4 [4 w- O$ B& E" y

0 H' c6 b0 X5 Z" cAttic Books
5 \/ P( t/ M$ d" e240 Dundas St.
; C. N% u3 o5 T1 B, ?9 F: m' `* khttp://www.atticbooks.ca/index.html% T6 G# y+ Z2 i+ W; G/ n! ]) V
Attic Books is one of Canada's largest bookstores, making it a tourist destination. With a large and diverse stock of antique books, maps and prints, our shop appeals to a wide range of customers. We have been business since 1976.; c/ g7 _! m; |2 m4 I9 C) d3 K

" c. q) ~5 d" R0 ^" j: F; P. V: X; o+ o9 O+ l1 @5 A3 G: D
) F9 w( ^* E: R, y" p4 w
Wolseley Barracks
6 P2 P2 B0 w+ J- b' n  E# |701 Oxford Street East, London, Ontario, N5Y 4T7
- |- y8 _) ~- k3 [+ k0 O8 OWolseley Barracks, known as Area Support Unit London (ASU London), is home to several Army Primary Reserve Units, including 31 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters, 1st Hussars, 4th Battalion The Royal Canadian Regiment, 31 Service Battalion and 31 Military Police Platoon. London’s proud military history stretches back to 1837, when the first British troops were stationed here. n 1886, Wolseley Barracks (A Block) was established as the first building erected by the Canadian Government specifically to house a unit of the new Permanent Force, the Canadian Infantry School Corps. Wolseley Barracks has housed a military presence in London from that point forward.3 P6 K% \) T: j+ B
6 P1 e5 x% x8 Y+ X( I. L

7 x' f" D4 q0 Z' p, \+ }1 F9 y+ DMaple Syrup farms1 I. A% z3 O, n1 ?
1) McLachlan Family Maple Syrup & Pancake House . * |1 H9 Y8 [7 M: I
10279 Lamont Drive, Komoka, ON.
3 R2 ]8 C" i5 h) J( o4 Q  v519-666-1846
4 h! a+ ~6 b: F+ T# vSigns on Nairn Road and Hwy.22 near Lobo.
2 {% N6 ~* U4 ]5 B: BFrom London via Fanshawe Park Rd:  Drive west on Fanshawe Park Rd.  Fanshawe Park Rd becomes Egremont Dr.(Cty Rd 22).  Continue to hamlet of Lobo.  Continue through Lobo stop light to Lamont Drive and turn left.  Watch for sign.  Two km to McLachlan’s Pancake House.2 O! v: A, }9 b0 O

# Y. x' n. y" t3 wFrom London via Oxford St:  Drive west on Oxford Street.  Oxford St becomes Glendon Drive (Cty Rd 14).  Continue west to Komoka Road stoplight (Bank of Montreal and Little Beaver Restaurant on corner).  Turn right on Komoka Rd (Cty Rd 16) and continue through Komoka village and beyond to Lamont Drive.  Watch for sign.  Turn right on Lamont Dr, two km to McLachlan’s pancake house.
, u! h6 C, U7 f2 E7 O# T
0 A  k' E. B* N) G
- g8 k) p/ V4 o  M2) Crinklaw Maple Products
0 I/ E7 ?- u7 Q5 j4 W: j1 e4570 Westminster Drive& v1 {9 r. [: Z4 {) p. v% L6 t
London, ON  N6L 1M9$ n( g% k! }6 T9 a7 U: o8 l
Sugar house:  519.457.4550- F8 o( p5 \1 R- p0 I- _, O3 \, X
off Wonderland Rd just south of 402$ b( W- G. i+ d8 `* D( b
3 n% p7 `/ n7 ^: W* n8 [
www.crinklawmaplesyrup.com3 O8 t# V: M; F2 g3 l) x3 O
info@crinklawmaplesyrup.com + Z" A& s- W/ F. w

1 r1 z. u7 O* @2 z& g% \2 y( y: y1 \3) Fort Rose Maple Company: W' W: B5 f! i4 ^7 T
27382 Coldstream Road
0 Q% I* F- W  n7 r0 SRR#5 Parkhill, Ontario, Canada/ z! V& ]( u* Y! B$ n
N0M 2K0
9 L) z: f8 R# G7 h* {Tel: (519) 232-9041
$ a) u4 @! j4 D* w0 M" J6 m! ~, T1 l% f8 R

/ `! V4 Y7 e; a- W; fCovent Garden Market
7 A5 t, D+ U+ J. VMonday - Saturday: 8 am - 6 pm
( m, ]8 o9 ?9 ^! m3 }Friday: 8 am - 7:30 pm
. Q; X( D. G: T; {+ bSunday: 11 am - 4 pm6 B7 F% O- x/ Y  z- \
130 King Street
6 @% I" |& k% P# L4 \8 MLondon, Ontario N6A 1C56 o: c- S' ]) t" @$ X) y5 N$ K
Tel: 519 439-39215 ]1 m% h1 u% s! ?
+ S7 b0 `9 @6 g( MThis is a traditional market. It’s good to know the history of London through the pictures.% r) P1 R$ _# r, l7 E! k( e9 z
% l0 @3 q  k' {1 j" C) i6 V4 w5 c5 t9 ?. m* m) @
The Western Fair) U3 I1 K4 V" q  a; J  \- |, {9 z
A place occupying several parts of streets, usually parts of Rectory Street and King Street.5 h0 z2 G# I: W$ h+ o/ @
every September5 w/ ?; W. }( j
The Western Fair has been an annual event in London since 1868, and has grown to become Canada's seventh largest fair. The fair runs for 10 days every September. 4 P' ~3 f- z. N' O3 S

% {. G$ L' U# o, a7 O' R' ~316 Rectory Street, London, Ontario N5W 3V9
/ o' d* b1 U( |. c4 i" cMany events there like horse racing, gaming, music, shopping, sports.
: S/ f6 n: [$ ^* fcall (519) 438-7203 or toll free 1 (800) 619-4629* n- N4 o1 ]8 q% g' B: C
http://www.westernfairdistrict.com/calendar. O+ P; J3 X. i4 @
8 z% ^/ B/ [7 x2 \
horse racing at Western Fair
& s7 d& |" t* fcheck the shedule.0 D5 `' v6 _; e7 b0 R. Z$ Y
2 S7 S1 e4 s8 K( `4 F! o; I$ \0 V" f) l4 _* E! l& }0 `, N4 F; h

; I0 Z$ C3 x1 B% k; ~4 A  B1 LSt. Peter’s Seminary
) E* M2 ]% i2 S' f1040 Waterloo St., N6A 3Y18 _% H- r+ S4 i/ `" m0 L
http://www.stpetersseminary.ca/home/% [2 Q  F% Q% s) v
Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
* w' S) p" u9 l, kAccess limited to main floor, but that’s spectacular.
$ }/ {* D7 I5 H
0 \/ h8 a1 P" F9 ?+ }6 w, z+ F5 u* z0 A. I2 w) Y' f
: I% u6 d% C  v, A" l
Idlewyld Inn
: E: f1 m  C9 H6 F, l# I- _8 }36 Grand Avenue, London, Ontario, N6C 1K8, Old South' ?3 ~' b: f) F) ^6 \0 l
The Idlewyld was built in 1878 as a private home for Charles S Hyman. The architects integrated the picturesque roof line and heavily ornamented gables of the 1879 Queen Anne design with a simpler addition featuring parapet gables at each end. It was sold in the 30’s to Earnest Moore who transformed the mansion into luxury apartments before being converted into a nursing home and then a medical office. In 1985, the building was sold and underwent six months of refurbishment before opening as a four diamond property in May of 1986. Today, it is London’s only historic boutique hotel and home and Avenue Dining, the freshest addition to the city’s culinary circle.( V+ Y6 u# f$ R  O
( v1 s' z8 P. {$ x) F4 _+ A- e

' u3 w- @  r0 |  T! f3 O) h3 ~6 Q; d9 t0 b5 M/ ~
1st Hussars Museum  n2 b. z: I5 a. H% Z' D
1 Dundas Street, London, Ontario, N6A 1E4, Downtown' k2 B8 L7 j+ u5 {; W4 `$ `+ Z
The 1st Hussars Museum is located in one of the last remaining original buildings at the Forks of the Thames. The Museum illustrates the history of the Regiment during the South African War, the Great War, World War II and the War in Afghanistan. Among the displays is one on the unit's Peacekeeping missions.
. L! |; ~* P3 @9 a
$ h0 y0 r- H& a7 u7 V  _: C! J/ }+ F+ J' I
Air Force Association of Canada, 427 (London) Wing0 Z4 {0 k+ ~! D2 l4 Q* }
2155 Crumlin Road, London, Ontario, N5V 3Z9,/ k  a, [, k5 S1 l# C; F, ^% E0 h
The building is located on the grounds of the London International Airport. Originally built as an Airman's Canteen. There are almost 100 model aircraft on permanent display. Models range from a 1909 Silver Dart to the present. Also included in the display are a 1/3 scale Sopwith Camel and a 1/14 scale Avro Lancaster. To round out the displays, there are a multitude of photographs of people, planes and events related to aviation.
" I  ]1 @" H$ ~$ DJet Aircraft Museum# ?- Z" I  B1 E& ^4 u  a& O
2410 Blair Boulevard, London, Ontario, N5V 3Z9,
* s1 ?) r4 I+ }& V8 d( `The Jet Aircraft Museum's (JAM) purpose is to aquire, preserve, maintain, display and fly retired jet aircraft of the Canadian Air Force.
* U0 I* _% l' D. L, R1 q: @7 n% k$ w5 l2 {
7 g) S; P8 O! b) l9 Q
5 c! E* q* g5 |, B
St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica4 h! n# u. N* C4 R9 }2 T
533 Clarence Street, London, Ontario, N6A 3N1,7 n3 Q) ^# ~: }" L9 S
The Cathedral was built in 1880-1885 and is representative of classic 13th century French Gothic style with pointed arches and other Gothic details. Among the more notable features are the high transepts, the imposing Sanctuary, the rose windows made in Innsbruck Austria, and the massive bell towers. The towers and carillon were completed in 1958. The Casavant organ was installed in 1926.- s+ e/ X% g: X5 I& f, M

2 V" w4 a9 ~+ ?9 P  `& [2 e
9 o1 Y$ d; }7 u4 P1 y" q3 g/ [& ~9 |St. Paul’s Cathedral8 j8 r. [8 A* M7 j
472 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, N6A 3E6, Downtown7 b; _+ d5 S1 A6 m/ b9 L
The cathedral is the oldest church in London, Ontario and one of our community’s Historic Properties. The Cathedral was designated as a Heritage Property by the City of London on Easter Sunday, April 16th 2006. The Church is home to four stained glass windows by the famous Louis Comfort Tiffany, one of each pair being signed as well as a large number of embroideries showing the history of the church and the Diocese. Also open for viewing will be the beautiful St. Aidan’s Chapel, with its set of embroideries on the life of St. Aidan of Lindisfarne.
9 ]' _% l& _$ n6 j
$ d& }! O/ {5 X# U' Z$ v# m6 d7 I: a
  L4 `7 J$ V' v8 P  b3 [/ ^8 u
  R' V" S: q  Q% Q4 \* D3 NLondon Muslim Mosque
, J) v$ t+ V, d151 Oxford St. W.! p4 T+ n7 c" x/ C: g
A chance to make a positive statement about London’s amazing diversity and true character.( |6 x1 ^4 Q. b! {: h1 Z8 M: D

% I, [5 M' e3 o9 Z& d( P- q2 L0 i" X- G8 S, F% T

3 o' d, D+ U$ t8 }* p3 t$ GPortuguese Club of London( N  k- I  n$ M
134 Falcon St.
8 V* P& v8 p9 k' W8 S  w$ N( b/ DA visit calls up memories of the golden days of the Panorama and Kavalkade community events around London.


参与人数 1威望 +5 资产 +10 收起 理由
Tom + 5 + 10 精彩,谢谢。










Rank: 1

1 点
287 金币
发表于 2013-4-9 21:22 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢推荐哦。貌似那个Storybook Garden真的很好哦。门票也不是很贵。楼主去过是吗?里面最好玩的是什么啊?, e) C; q' V0 M6 r6 A9 M
/ Q" Z4 Z9 j0 s' ^$ ?http://www.storybook.london.ca/
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Rank: 4

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830 金币
发表于 2013-4-9 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

23948 点
4167 金币
发表于 2013-4-12 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# uLondon / N) c: u# u  P5 M
) ~' X# j9 r% m; T% ^
+ Q+ j7 {. `8 Y' W
   Useful information!   Appreciated it!
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

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1558 金币
发表于 2013-5-10 18:54 | 显示全部楼层
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