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- 2008-2-5
一位芬兰人的“反华”演讲和一位美国青年的忠告0 Z5 w% Y6 m+ W4 @' H
' R& q9 e; e5 X0 D2 L+ c6 Q April 26th, 2008 | China, Good article |
1 D! a0 R* W+ \2 r+ I# L. ~9 w 刚在多人blog看到一篇《课堂上的反华势力(一位芬兰人在课堂上讲中国) 》 (点击打开链接)[/COLOR]: @+ |: ]) l6 O/ @9 }
此芬兰人的演讲专门focus on中国的缺点(虽然在我看来,他说的都是事实,只是个别地方值得商榷)。所以我也很能理解,一般中国人听了会是什么反应。其实上天涯杂谈等地方逛一逛, 或者在国内跟出租车司机聊一聊,就发现中国人持这样看法的也不少,老百姓都是明眼人,毛病咱们自己都清楚得很。只不过从一个外国人的嘴中说出来,很多人就 接受不了了。[/COLOR]0 a" l5 C5 I: X. V
1 o) k$ [% c" j 早上在连岳那里看到一篇《18不禁(一位美国青年的忠告)》,写得很好很透彻,如果忍不住非要爱国的人事前看一看,在跟老外说理,“维护”自己祖国的时候,估计会有效得多。[/COLOR]
8 Z7 _/ T% y3 Z. o5 n- t9 G ps,孤鸿在《课堂上的反华势力》一文后留言:“其实这就像很多海外华人念念不忘中国的好处一样,既然中国这么好,为什么不回国呢?”2 W% R) k2 K% F7 ^! ?
—- 哈哈哈,太经典了。Kefi说过:回去吧,回去享受代理。[/COLOR]3 f' x; v9 T% K; N3 F
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ z; K/ O3 c7 h( Z: L# H
0 k0 Y& d c; {; o- }" i- g4 g
18不禁(一位美国青年的忠告)! i, G( H1 O- ^7 L
连岳 @ 2008-4-26 15:01:16 阅读(1383) 引用通告 分类: 来函照登3 J, C! R- S5 S# G4 A% m$ {! X/ ?3 p
连先生:% Q+ N0 g; k9 C' F7 [% G5 F
' l+ W1 p n" f2 E* ^ 我曾经教过的一个美国本科生现在在中国工作,他出于自己的观察和思考写下了这些建议,希望我能让更多的中国青年看到。我把它逐字逐句翻译成了中文放在了自己的博客上,但很希望借助您的影响让更多的人看到它,我们中国的青年太需要和别人交流了。# }" X! e( n6 m8 _( s" n# h2 a
- J" R7 ?- B5 _都是骗银地
& W+ D( N3 X/ l5 d$ [ ————————————————-. P3 G# Q7 W. F7 Q+ U' E
出于他自己在中国的所见所闻所感,这位美国青年写道:”近来发生的一切并不能带给中国尊敬或荣耀。相反地,在外人眼里,这些行为使中国看上去既不开 化又粗鲁无礼(uncivilized and brutish)。我想帮助我的中国朋友,尤其是那些旅居海外的人,帮助他们学习如何恰当的处理西方的政治争议,这样他们就能更好的让外人了解他们的祖 国,修补中国的国际形象。。。衷心祝愿北京奥运会成功!”
5 v" {0 Q4 J) `1 G# y) l 在建议开始之前,他说”我有些担心我所写的东西有点儿’训导’的味道”( I’m a little concerned that what I wrote might seem patronizing. )
d' |& D0 t- o' A/ A1 B 下面就是他的详细建议,共五段十八条:
# T/ C9 g5 X- b/ G 一、如果你看到西方媒体的反华失实报道:5 C; G. }1 X9 H1 _1 \# d
1. 给该节目编辑写一封有礼貌的信,指出问题所在,用逻辑来支撑你的观点。(要文明的体面的表达你的观点,给编辑写信是个好办法 —而且你的信可以被免费发表出来,让更多人看到)4 j" b9 [' `) u V) P3 Q: g
DO write a polite letter to the editor to point out the problem, giving a logical argument to support your position. (Letters to the editor are a respectable, civilized way to express your opinion—and you can get it published for free)
, v& R5 v2 `' r" d$ F 2. 如果某些照片或视频片段是错误的或具误导性的,自己制作一段冷静的、有信息含量的视频解释为什么那些东西是错的。(人们愿意观看冷静理性的视频并从中学习) U" o& T8 T: t: t5 t/ M
DO make a calm, informative video that explains why a photograph or media clip is wrong or misleading. (People are willing to listen to and learn from calm, reasonable videos)4 a3 J3 o% y6 q* A# t/ L& l
3. 不要写怒气冲冲的、丧失理性的充满了个人攻击和共产主义政治魔咒的抗议信。(如果你的信怒气冲冲,人们不会尊重你的观点。人身攻击时歇斯底里的表现,会被置之不理。共产话语的特点一目了然,如果人们认为你只是简单的重复政府的宣传的话,没人会搭理你)
) y2 X; Z7 Z; a4 a6 w" {7 v( x9 R DON’T write an angry, irrational protest letter with an argument based upon ad hominem attacks and Communist political mantras.(If you write an angry letter, your opinion will not be respected. Ad hominem attacks (irrelevant criticism of a person’s character) will be rejected as desperate. Communist language is very easy to spot, and people will disregard you if they think you are simply repeating government propaganda.)
& I7 v$ m# r9 p# X) _ 4. 不要制作怒气冲冲毫无逻辑的视频,目的就想告诉西方观众他们是白痴。(如果一个人试图通过侮辱你的方式纠正你,你一般很难接受,尤其这种纠正还毫无逻辑可 言,这段YOUTUBE上的视频就是绝佳的反面教材,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9QNKB34cJo。它不止侮 辱了观众,还大肆宣扬一些毫无根据和逻辑的论断,比如CIA现在还在支持打来拉马。)
, m; r. z; {3 n5 ]. h, `* U DON’T make a video that makes angry, illogical statements and tells the Western viewer he is an idiot. (It is difficult to accept correction from a person who insults you, especially if he does it illogically. This video on YouTube is a perfect example of what NOT to do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9QNKB34cJo. It insults the viewer and makes unsupported and illogical claims, such as saying the CIA still provides support to the Dalai Lama.)
1 I9 a9 @: q% x7 V' D 5. 对那些进行了不实报道的媒体,一不要呼吁禁止,二不要暴力攻击。(有一点很重要,西方媒体并不受政府掌控,所以不要太把它们的错误和偏见当回事儿。保护言论自由同样要保护那些错误和不公正的言论,为使我们免受政府暴政之害,记住这一点很重要)& u. q9 U9 u# z7 k6 }6 i
DON’T call for bans or violent attacks against publications or broadcasters who make unfair statements. (It is very important to remember that since Western media are not controlled by the government, their errors and biases should not be taken so seriously. Freedom of speech even covers speech that is unfair or wrong; this is an important protection against government tyranny.) B3 I* g2 ~0 y$ B- v; W: y
二. 如果一个外国人和你在藏藏问题上意见不一致: ]0 D) {! L1 ] u3 q- ]" W
8 w: p4 `9 {; {+ k. j/ m DO respect the fact that the person’s culture is different, and that he views political and moral issues differently. (For example,Americans often have a positive view of “independence” movements because they think of all the good things that came from American independence. Also, people from some countries are more suspicious of government, especially authoritarian governments like the central government of China)3 S6 Y) \+ l3 c) N
7、请记住他没有长在中国,所以他接触的是关于藏藏的不同信息,其中的某些比你在中国得到的更准确。(在学习藏藏体验藏藏文化方面,中国人的优势在于你们有更多机会,而外国人的优势在于他们可以不受中国政府的宣传、审查和欺骗的干扰)8 ]0 }0 s+ L1 v# @8 Z3 L0 _
DO realize that since he didn’t grow up in China, he has access to different information about Tibet, some of which is more accurate than what you learned in China. (Chinese people have the advantage of having better opportunities to study and experience Tibet. Foreigners have the advantage of learning about Tibet without the interference of Chinese government propaganda, censorship, and deceit.) |