- 积分
- 855
- 威望
- 455 点
- 资产
- 1306 金币
- 注册时间
- 2014-5-31
Section 49(7)(e)(i) of the Education Act,
, l0 i4 M+ u7 @. ]5 Ytuition fees are not applicable to:
6 F! h/ b) R; r! X0 y3 a! j0 f0 ^% l: ~+ S
(e) A person if his or her parent or someone else with lawful1 |# K, K8 f5 d1 v3 h* G* w, n
custody of him or her is in Canada:$ w1 H7 n+ {+ Q8 q" M
(i) under a Work Permit or awaiting the determination of an+ P9 v5 f# P. R1 {
application for a work permit under the Immigration and Refugee+ ~# y$ W* V' U' I! N
Protection Act (Canada),' P- U# A7 x/ r3 J- i
" N- Y5 {0 n7 d8 m6 F# e5 u
; d4 U$ l& u3 N: i; S: h! s/ ]
The following are the documents we require:
) U9 C3 \* k" E' Y/ J6 n
9 h% J3 H1 s* N8 @: a2 V; {5 g0 M1. Application for Student Admission (will be provided by this office);
8 T. Z# Z, G6 x( t8 B2. Copies of passports of parent(s) and child(ren);
. ~8 k5 C$ v: s/ i" ?% i3. Birth certificate of child(ren) / Family Register (translated! k; e P* r4 y5 r4 G4 K i# s0 R
into English);
$ M7 r0 }. A0 P4. Proof of residential address / tenancy (eg lease agreement/tax! A* R# \ w# t! Y7 y" M
bill/utility bill - driver’s license not acceptable);6 V" k( P: E: e7 h
5. Documentation to verify child(ren)’s first ever date of entry
0 x4 S, J0 K- _, }$ x2 @into Canada (eg. passport stamp / immigration documents / airline
. D3 V9 p$ s1 v/ F1 A: `4 Eticket etc.);
0 {6 z- j! @: F! h6. Copies of all immigration documents received ie. Work Permit,7 {! S* y9 N: f* M3 D
Study Permit, Visitor Records and any other documents we might
# W% ^4 h5 w3 u* t' Q) [: qrequire. |