社工应该算是一个大家既熟悉又陌生的词。常看港剧和美剧的同学该对这个词不陌生,这些地区有着完善的社工制度。加拿大作为一个高全民福利的国家,有着完善的社会服务体系和一流的社工教育也不足为奇。 9 Z6 h! M- X& ~+ }0 } g
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为什么要学习社工? 3 r3 u& M, `! r' j$ l: H
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# a! c) V a( O- h; G社工就是:是社会工作的专业人才,他们运用专业的知识和技能,以社区为单位帮助困境中的需要帮助的人员,主要就是和政府公共服务的互补。社工实际上就介于政府服务人员和民间工艺组织之间的存在主要服务对象是弱势群体,如老年人、儿童等弱势群体。主要服务领域是社会福利、社会救助、慈善事业、社区援助。而回国工作的话,也并不是只能在街道工作,而是许多选择的:民政、劳动、社会保障和卫生等社会组织及其他社会福利、服务和公益团体等机构,主要从事社会保障、社会政策研究、社会行政管理、社区发展与管理、社会服务、评估与操作等工作。
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8 O y# Q7 a4 m% F; l根据我的申请经验,先进入学院的社工专业在完成学业后,再根据需求伺机申请本科,在录取的几率更大一些。因为直接申请本科课程的话,由于这个专业在申请的时候要求学生有一定的相关背景,所以直接录取有难度。实际上在学院的申请也是竞争激烈的,所以申请要趁早的。 # ~8 R" w# c1 u9 n0 Y0 h
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; V5 C, `9 R" V: @9 W1 G, x0 U- m如果同学们在加拿大社工专业毕业后,可以去选择在这些领域工作:社工,市政府,中学辅导员,特别看护中心。尤其是在华人比较多的社区,这些职位都会非常容易找到工作,而这一类工作的齐心一般都在30加币/小时左右,还算是不错的。对于移民来说也是符合政策要求的。
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学习社工专业,一般都要修下面的课程: Structural Analysis and Social Work Public Soc. Services in Canada Anti-Oppression SW Practice Social Work Practice Statistical Analysis for Social Workers Poverty and Inequality Social Work Research
% U! N' M* X+ W- e$ L
, v u* h$ P0 K2 J0 e4 i几个比较有代表性的学校: * P: v6 r2 r+ a/ Y4 W
麦吉尔大学 入学要求:本科 Enrolment to the BSW program is limited. All candidates are expected to have better than average grades. Within the group of applicants who meet the academic requirements, preference is given to those who have had significant social work-related experience, paid or volunteer, and also to those who demonstrate personal suitability for the social work profession. 卡尔顿大学 入学要求:本科 Senior High School (3 years of study) and Senior High School Graduation Exam 瑞尔森大学 入学要求:硕士 A Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree from an institution that meets the guidelines of the International Association of Schools of Social Work, or is accredited by a national body of accreditation;Achieved a minimum 3.0/4.33 (B or equivalent) average in the last two years of study. Note: Given the strong competition, applicants will normally be required to present academic averages significantly higher than the minimum. 兰加拉学院 入学要求:学院 Completion of BC Grade 12 or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older. Minimum 3 credits of university-transferable courses with agrade point of 2.00 or higher. One of the following:
' s3 K1 Z% n1 D% i) e7 x a. n0 m LET with a minimum level 3; LPI with a minimum 26 on the essay and one of 5 in English usage, 5 in sentence structure, or 10 in reading comprehension; BC English 12 or equivalent with a minimum 80%; BC English Literature 12 with a minimum 80%; BC English First Peoples 12 with a minimum 80%; a university-level English or Communications course for which Langara awards transfer credit, with a minimum 'C-'; or 'C' in ENGL 1120; or an 'S' in one of ENGL 1107, 1108, or 1110. 尼亚加拉学院 入学要求:学院 Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, including the following required courses: English - any Grade 12 (C) or (U), or equivalent.
3 h! X8 X& m" @ t申请加拿大留学请加微信canadaliuxuehelp或扫描二维码详聊 更多加拿大院校资讯请关注公众号 9 O) [, d2 v* a' X2 u3 }
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