西厨一直是GBC比较火爆的专业,不管从口碑还是毕业率或者就业率上,GBC都名列前茅。就业率高就相当于能为以后移民提供很大的便利,因为college毕业生基本都需要找到工作才能考虑移民。 GBC西厨烘焙专业各项目数据 今天主页君给大家推荐两个GBC的两个王牌项目Culinary Management和Baking and Pastry Arts Management(介绍内容引自官网,关键字节已做翻译) Culinary Management Program (H100)PROGRAM Culinary Management烹饪管理CODE H100 SCHOOL Chef School LOCATION St. James Campus DURATION 2 years (4 semesters) STARTING MONTH September, January, May CREDENTIAL Ontario College Diploma YEAR OF STUDY 2016-2017 2017-2018 METHOD OF STUDY FT
( o- `8 k2 P( m3 c. M+ }Our mission: the delivery of passionate and service-obsessed industry professionals for the urban hospitality and culinary experience. We are anchored in the heart of the Canadian hospitality and culinary industry but with global reach and influence. This is the place for discovering unmatched opportunities for exceptional graduates. Develop the knowledge and techniques necessary to succeed as a chef, cook or culinary manager in our two-year Culinary Management diploma program. Demonstrations, lectures and hands-on practice will teach you the fundamental skills you’ll need for a successful career in today’s leading restaurants and culinary industries. 015 ~( h$ C& f! ?
Course Outline 6 f: m) e8 l, D
Required Courses 必修课程SEMESTER 1 semester 1 coursesCode Course name
$ k6 R9 [- d% I" }7 ^' I. uHOST1068Smart Serve (online)
9 p: f9 M4 l+ z4 e Z5 O+ CHOSF1255Nutrition and Lifestyle
3 {$ e6 V6 n7 v+ N, a- ^+ qHOSF1184Cafe Production q$ u' _5 X8 C# i
HOSF1185Fundamentals of Butchery
' [# e, T8 C5 d6 R' sHOSF1202Culinary Foundations+ I% k4 [5 V" p" G, s2 X
HOSF1203Culinary Essentials
5 k0 o; X- p! p/ VHOSF1029Theory of Food I
/ g$ [, Z9 r4 u4 ?% ?) y% U2 G. Z' sHOSF1145Sanitation (online)" y0 f. n+ ~8 O, @5 W2 W$ U
HOSF1146Emergency First Aid/Heartsaver CPR (weekend course)
" X- Z1 J3 k+ d4 O2 M8 \COMM1007College English**+ J% Z3 N }9 G+ d4 n8 k4 L
MATH1102Mathematics for Hospitality**
! u+ h' s7 Q* F$ F( WGNEDGeneral Education ElectiveSEMESTER 2semester 2 coursesCode Course name / c: ?! A8 X& a) n8 X" R
# ~. S3 T0 y; Y7 hHOSF1002Baking and Pastry for Cooks
: U- O6 a1 b$ P$ N, ^, f9 X9 \, ]6 WHOSF1166Foods of the World- K+ T2 x( N) C5 D, }
HOSF1204Culinary Principles
! N U" G$ K1 R$ P9 ~) ?* CHOSF1205Culinary Concepts
1 F: ?) G; Y! k7 [4 ZHOSF1031Theory of Food II
/ E# T! f4 O; M7 c/ zHOST1005Food, Beverage and Labour Cost Control; H, V! ~& n: }1 U7 y. ~: g" F
HOSF1256Art of Eating and Dining
: S- t# H9 j, I) gHOST1126Career Externship Preparation
# [6 q" x S1 l( q0 g$ [GNEDGeneral Education ElectiveSEMESTER 3 - Stream 1semester 3 coursesCode Course name
) P8 C$ T+ K" z' @, |HOSF2064Human Resources
0 X, h% J# g& P% q/ K$ j0 ^: k: jHOSF2077Marketing
4 k4 G# D8 D- I& g( M+ J' AHOSF2076Industry Mentor/Externship6 G# ` _9 \' d8 o$ S
GNEDGeneral Education ElectiveSEMESTER 4 - Stream 2semester 4 coursesCode Course name - Z* A' U' S$ j w% M. h) j! n3 ^
HOSF2047Food for Special Events and Catering
7 d- M* ~$ L* n. B! F4 Z2 VHOSF2062Marriage of Food and Wine
" O4 l* Y6 W/ k6 G: fHOSF2048Essential Flavours of the Modern Kitchen t1 ^7 N& u0 @" }' K$ v9 _
HOSF2081Hospitality Leadership and Communication
! |6 B/ y& n3 D3 W, iHOSF2082Business Entrepreneurship/Menu Management
$ x! f4 q) N, c6 s, x$ m" DGNEDGeneral Education Elective[size=1em]** Based on the results of your placement test, you may be required to take COMM 1003 (English Skills) or CESL 1003 (English Skills – ESL) before progressing to COMM 1007. You may also be required to take MATH 1000 (Math Foundations) before progressing to MATH 1102 (Mathematics for Hospitality). COMM 1003/CESL 1003 and MATH 1000 do not count as courses required for graduation and you will be charged for these extra courses. 根据您的考试成绩,您可能需要在升读COMM 1007之前,先参加COMM 1003(英语技能)或CESL 1003(英语技能 - ESL)学习。您还可能需要参加MATH 1000(数学基础),然后进入MATH 1102(酒店数学)。COMM 1003 / CESL 1003和MATH 1000不计入毕业课程,您将需要支付这些额外的课程费用。
$ g8 O" \1 L( \6 J0 e7 z9 D02, f1 h2 W( ~) w i, d4 T+ X
Your Career职业规划 [size=1em]A world of opportunities awaits you when you graduate. Toronto alone has more than 9,000 restaurants and 200 hotels, as well as numerous clubs, resorts, spas and catering companies. The skills you learn at George Brown are in demand by employers across Canada and internationally, and you will have the training to build a successful career at home or around the world. 当你毕业时,有很多机会在等你。多伦多有超过9,000家餐厅和200家酒店,以及众多的俱乐部,度假村,水疗中心和餐饮公司。您在乔治布朗学习的技能在加拿大和国际的雇主都接受认可,您将接受培训,在国内或世界各地建立成功的职业生涯。
6 ~# x4 x8 z" b' W7 T03
: U* m! N5 _1 d6 O Future Study Options未来学习选择 Graduates of this program may be granted advanced standing at leading international universities. [size=1em]Graduates may also be eligible for direct entry into the Culinary Arts – Italian program or the Food and Nutrition Management program (additional Accounting course required). 该课程的毕业生可以在国际顶尖大学获得高级学位。 毕业生也可能有资格直接进入Culinary Arts – Italian program or the Food and Nutrition Management program (additional Accounting course required)两个专业(需要额外的会计课程)。
) b6 Y7 e) U j8 T# w* E. u, \048 R6 x! B& Q6 O) l; D! \
fee费用 3 e# i& g$ m( ~
Base Tuition Fee* | $13,520 for 2 semesters
; Q- f0 o& I* H6 E) m+ b$20,280 for 3 semesters | Fee for co-op work term, if applicable | $450 for 1 semester | Incidental Fees (student ID, student association membership, etc.) | $1,500 | Mandatory Health Insurance | $570.82 for one year coverage (Sep-Aug) 0 C9 S9 e6 Z9 k
$388.28 for 8 months coverage (Jan-Aug) % M. \1 ^% E. O+ p
$204.64 for 4 months coverage (May-Aug) | Public Transportation (per year), estimated | $1,500 | Books and Supplies (estimated per year) | $1,000-$1,200 |
' c- [/ s6 D- V$ C- u/ L( I05& o4 L! p* D) D% z& T' r. z
Admission Requirements录取标准 [size=1em]Applicants are selected on the basis of their academic achievement, including the required courses, and any other selection criteria outlined below. Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent** Grade 12 English (C or U) Grade 11 Math (C, M or U) or Grade 12 (C or U)
, G5 h% Y7 H7 M' k* h' j
[size=1em]Applicants not meeting the academic requirements may also qualify for admission through completion of the Hospitality Services (Pre-Hospitality) program (H101) with an overall grade point average of 3.0. There are a limited number of seats available and admission is not guaranteed. 申请人的筛选是根据他们的学业成绩,包括所需的课程,以及下面概述的任何其他选择标准。 安大略省中学文凭或同等学历** 12年级英语(C或U) 11年级数学(C,M或U)或12年级(C或U) : z) }, k9 d7 h7 T
不符合学术要求的申请人也可以通过完成completion of the Hospitality Services (Pre-Hospitality) program (H101)获得入学,总平均分需为3.0。数量有限,先到先得。 " P9 l- s% f2 n7 ~ d" Z
[size=1em]** Mature Student status (19 years of age or older and no OSSD) [size=1em]Please note that George Brown is committed to ensuring that applicants will succeed in their program of choice and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Applicants may be required to have grades higher than the minimum requirements stated. **成人学生身份(19岁或以上,无OSSD) 请注意,George Brown致力于确保申请人在申请项目取得成功,满足最低要求并不能保证入学。申请人可能需要具有高于所规定的最低要求的等级。 截止发稿时此专业还有位置,有需要申请西厨或者烘焙专业请加我微信详聊。 - f$ E( G# b, f# ?# r1 [6 K
申请加拿大留学请加微信canadaliuxuehelp或扫描二维码详聊 更多加拿大院校资讯请关注公众号
- I! v; w' H1 c( A2 H( v4 L8 y( c' h; D* G8 w% Q