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- 2009-12-13
1-800-222-9546 Free Similac, Isomil or Other Formulas, & Coupons
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decongestant aids, Little Tummys gas and nausea relief, etc). i: d% |5 z( W2 H9 l% V. p
0 {6 _2 p& S% \: r0 [6 Q0 L' p$ F1-800-843-643 Free "Diaper Genie" for twins or more (call before the babies are 3 months old)' j- W0 Z" `! n) b: @
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1-800-587-3721 Diaper Rash Ointment sample& \1 `0 Q# k( Q# x! U4 c
( _' S* h# D: N! e7 X$ N1-800-442-422 Earth's Best (baby food) newsletter and coupons" f- A" t9 q* b* F O) w) p1 F
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2 x. h6 D/ a t$ k0 d: ^( B8 M- n8 P
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800-222-0453 Playtex Product Coupons2 z# Z+ W" _- g- o/ A6 G- I1 d
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. |5 V) k1 O" J& X6 @6 `4 O1-800-990-4448 Kimberly Clark (Huggies) huggies rebate form
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1-800- 518-CLUB Ross Labs Similac For Canadians coupons and samples
% M% n3 k7 e4 ~4 M/ B9 _; v0 ~0 S
1-800-533-6708 The 1st years product coupons6 l: y: `- G2 t8 p/ r3 u
. I3 G9 x- m' v
1-800-526-3967 Johnson & Johnson for "New Parent's Pack" of coupons6 z: Y3 `4 ~5 ?4 b- [( J' j
' _2 U/ H, l& @! H! n- \
1-800-962-5357 Free "St. Joseph's" Aspirin Coupon and Consumer Information Line3 ]3 S7 y0 z; @- L# f! i4 B/ k
8 D8 Y' j/ J) kBaby Clubs & Programs
) X6 j& P/ ^, p1-800-544-1847 (press 1, 1, 1) Kimberly Clark (Huggies ) to get to the automated mailing list
( ]3 d/ l- @ d/ O4 _" S# W: j; F
$ F( _* x: S+ [! A4 X" N! d, @1-800-565-2100 Heinz Baby Club For Canadians) i8 @% S% a/ r/ u
( b& Z3 K: t. A
1-800-533-0143 Kmart Birthday Club; W* R. _% D0 E- N7 w l: C7 s7 @
) p: g) ~" v3 B% J/ C" w5 F1-800-BABY 123 Family Beginnings Club For expecting parents
3 r% Y9 ]- O6 C7 U3 L1 J: `6 \; h; k
1-800-BABYLINE Ross Labs (Similac) Welcome Addition Club
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- n9 c8 U) b s& B1-888-827-4223 Free "Ace Kids" Birthday Club - Member Card and Gift on Birthday- J4 |" n2 @& }, x4 u
+ Z8 e! }6 a; N) t1-800-369-5437 Free "Fox Kids" Catalog, Digimon Club and Fox Kids Club Information; J Q* i$ L4 J7 ?
2 ?! q5 q* K5 p1-800-658-4635 Free "Fresh Samantha" Club - Member Card and Birthday Gift (ages 3-12). V. r! K# |- S3 ]
" F. l/ J2 h5 Z' g9 s' D! C2 ?1-800-524-8697 Free "Hot Wheels" Club - Member Card & Free Car (mail-in - ages 3-12)
. y; t! c U |( O0 o! y+ @3 }( m: y& R' f: x; x1 f! l6 `
1-800-775-9272 Free "Magic Attic Doll" Club - Member Card, Poster, Stickers, Doll Catalog
/ J9 o* l8 r1 O e: }+ z9 C( T5 v5 r3 y! l7 F
1-800-228-2269 Free "Oriental Trading" Club - Catalogs and Party Planners
' T" g, L" N" B) h& u, H) s; u
9 k( z9 P. a+ _: g0 k1-800-682-8691 Free "Sears" Craftsman Club - Member Card & Newsletter (ages 7-12)
( Z6 ?+ w/ M. F9 T, D! _3 x# r$ P' I. e( N0 ?+ }
* some of them are US tel numbers |