爱好艺术的朋友: 您们好! 郑重推介一个唯美的艺术网站:“艺海慧天——杨玉琪的缤纷世界”( www.yangyuqi888.com ),由《世界名人录》入典者、英国剑桥终身院士、国际华人艺术家联盟主席、现居加拿大多伦多的杨玉琪教授创立。网站栏目丰富多彩,既是展示画家杨玉琪智慧和艺术的殿堂,同时也是海内外书画艺术家们走向国际的公共平台。欢迎全球华人艺术家踊跃参与,欢迎广大艺术爱好者关注、浏览。相信这个网站定会成为你终身的朋友。 “艺海慧天”网站管理团队 http://www.yangyuqi888.com/web/pic/index.aspx?tid=18 Art-loving friends:
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Strongly promote an aesthetic art website: "Arts and sea Hui days - Yang Yuqi the colorful world" (www.yangyuqi888.com), from "Who's Who in the world" into the Code of those life-long Cambridge Academy of Sciences, the International President of the Union of Chinese artists are now Professor Yang Yuqi Habitat was founded in Toronto, Canada. Site sections varied, both the painter Yang Yuqi wisdom and art exhibition halls, but also painting and calligraphy artists at home and abroad to the international public platform. Welcome to take part in the Global Chinese artists, art lovers are welcome attention, here. I believe this site will become your lifelong friends. "Hui-day Arts and sea" Web site management team
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