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Rank: 3Rank: 3

68 点
1588 金币
发表于 2014-3-9 21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Volunteer Tax Preparation Clinics - London, ON
3 l) _' ?  \* j; k4 |  j$ xhttp://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/vlntr/clncs/london-on-eng.html& H. A( N, l, s& G' A
6 {  t9 i& J1 ^* h" D0 c
Organization:ACFO de London-Sarnia
Contact person:Nicole Buteau
Phone number:519-850-2236 ext. 221
Location:495 Richmond Road, Suite 200: w9 Z5 s! l! t. N
London, ON N6A 5A9, G6 r; P! b2 D9 l
Clinic dates:
  • February 01, 2014 to April 30, 2014
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For all
  • Current year returns only
  • Permanent Residents; Francophones
Organization:Argyle Community Association at East London Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Phone number:519-494-9133
Location:2016 Dundas E$ P; X3 T) Y: Y0 i0 s
London, ON
$ ?' z7 k4 W2 u! I; o' {) K
Clinic dates:
  • March 04, 2014 to April 29, 2014
      ^8 W6 X% l/ a& m* TEvery Tuesday
    : s, p  b1 J9 v; x* s9:30am to 3:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
7 |& e6 a1 \7 `9 `  Q1 L; p# F3 QWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Cross Cultural Learner Centre
Contact person:
Phone number:519-432-1133
Location:505 Dundas Street
- D1 c% g2 S5 ?London, ON N6B 1W4
2 W8 |1 W6 O% V
Clinic dates:
  • March 22, 2014
    9 c, E, v; `. k7 G8 x3 j# k$ z10:00am to 4:00pm
  • March 29, 2014% J5 o7 }3 l! Y- w' u
    10:00am to 4:00pm
  • April 05, 2014! }: u7 X8 F0 U- P
    10:00am to 4:00pm
  • April 12, 2014
    " u, {0 E, ]+ F10:00am to 4:00pm
  • April 26, 2014
    ) F6 M0 K1 Z& @: k9 E. x4 r5 b10:00am to 4:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment7 A+ T0 e& t8 ^8 Q; P& q
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Current year returns only
Organization:Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre at Crouch Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Phone number:519-494-9133
Location:550 Hamilton Road
. V" L& I! P& r4 d7 p& f# e! X% zLondon, ON , ^: L, U/ W) U
Clinic dates:
  • March 01, 2014 to April 26, 2014: K/ B6 P# K; e/ S0 Y
    Every Saturday/ I' z- b: T; ]0 q; r8 K
    9:30am to 12:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment: O5 q6 g4 C, l6 }) H2 v
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
Language:English, Hindi, Mandarin, Punjabi, Vietnamese
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on April 19, 2014
Organization:Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre at Crouch Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Phone number:519-494-9133
Location:550 Hamilton Road0 E- p3 u$ w  W; q
London, ON
2 W6 E: j* N* |3 x4 `5 M: }8 ?
Clinic dates:
  • March 07, 2014 to April 25, 2014; M. C1 V: [" W6 s
    Every Friday
    , n. p1 c1 {/ o. _* y  n& Q' W9:30am to 3:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment8 D- a5 y+ `' k
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on April 18, 2014
Organization:David Bonner
Contact person:
Phone number:519-204-6899
Location:6 q4 N! @/ M% {2 ~8 b% d
London, ON   b, f( [% v4 ?) Q
The address will be provided when the appointment is booked$ `+ ]. e: t% H, Z& M& Y
Clinic dates:
  • March 01, 2014 to November 30, 2014
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For all
Income information:Does not serve clients that exceed the suggested income
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre at Pond Mills Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Phone number:519-494-9133
Location:1166 Commissioners Road E/ p! q" f& u7 y2 m) r4 w
London, ON 8 _$ Y( h  i- U9 ^3 K. V
Clinic dates:
  • March 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014' [9 g" S& d* E- R' `( l0 b
    Every Thursday6 O6 u- T, G0 O, e
    12:00pm to 3:00pm
  • March 07, 2014 to April 25, 2014
    ) j0 V! p: m+ s/ q. }Every Friday( ~' u6 {# b0 B( C
    1:00pm to 4:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
2 G/ k7 ?+ E% x- h6 {5 gWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
Language:English, German
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed March 13th, 2014
  • Closed on March 14th and April 18th, 2014
Contact person:Bill The Taxman
Location:255 Horton Street7 J+ f# T$ J8 }/ I. \
London, ON N6B 1L1
. O  T+ L) j# V$ q0 u
Clinic dates:
  • March 03, 2014 to April 28, 20141 Y) U$ h3 U5 M! J/ o
    Every Monday2 a1 g* M* C7 Y
    9:30am to 4:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
9 E+ Z- l* l% i2 N7 z2 FWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Hamilton Road Seniors Centre
Contact person:
Location:525 Hamilton* m$ M& L/ r/ h
London, ON N5Z 1S5
2 f; v, m9 h6 O2 C% z
Clinic dates:
  • March 04, 2014 to April 08, 20146 [) X- R8 Y* L" R' c
    Every Tuesday
    3 B4 m+ k/ V' p1 f1 n9:00am to 1:00pm
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For seniors only
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Appointments made at Seniors Centre
Organization:InterCommunity Health at Beacock Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Phone number:519-494-9133
Location:1280 Huron
( G3 o1 n/ ?$ Q4 a  CLondon, ON 7 y" t1 D- T$ }8 D. n
Clinic dates:
  • March 05, 2014 to April 30, 2014
    / }! B* c3 P  `8 \% g4 |# ^Every Wednesday
    / J) U* P0 u& M. P3 t/ c: t9:30am to 3:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment( K; P1 U" L) k9 X( F" F) r
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on March 12th, 2014
Organization:InterCommunity Health at Carson Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Phone number:519-494-9133
Location:465 Quebec( h% {8 W& u( C6 j- \+ p
London, ON ) u) ]- o0 @- M) t
Clinic dates:
  • March 06, 2014 to April 24, 20149 g, l, O: ?, ]# e
    Every Thursday
    - T: Q( _( ]% d1 R0 i. ]2 [( v2 w1:30pm to 4:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
$ P, d- z5 J9 NWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:InterCommunity Health at Carson Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Phone number:519-494-9133
Location:465 Quebec" C6 W8 E* A0 s0 c. Q( Q) T# y6 w
London, ON 6 j" ^% ]0 i5 Q
Clinic dates:
  • March 13, 2014 to April 24, 20145 Z) D3 T( K. g: T. M5 K
    Every Thursday
    8 J$ n/ J! P& ?+ t) L6:00pm to 8:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
; p- R0 H  O! N' x+ R) j: QWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
Language:English, Hindi, Punjabi
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on April 10th
Organization:Irene Mathyssen, MP Office
Contact person:Nina Roy
Location:1700-D Dundas Street' i3 k  b! X2 I0 o- N8 Q
London, ON N5W 3C9
, T0 G' |5 b7 Y1 Z
Clinic dates:
  • March 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014
    " I6 f6 N8 Q0 A/ A* X# V& QEvery Thursday
    - {6 q0 e5 b: U/ `8 a: r) i, J10:00am to 3:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment4 w- D/ Y7 E$ l/ ]% }1 z+ Y' i. c
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Current year returns only
Organization:Latino Canadian Community
Contact person:Jaime Martinez
Phone number:519-902-3680
Location:652 Elizabeth St. 3rd Floor Unit E
: n3 T, x. H9 _, L5 qLondon, ON
5 q  z% i6 D2 M( h/ _& W7 i) r, x
Clinic dates:
  • March 13, 2014 to April 15, 2014: ]* E: o2 [/ e% i
    Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday7 I3 t9 r0 b/ @9 O1 u. u7 v
    9:00am to 3:00pm
Clinic type:With appointment and drop off
Client type:For all
Language:English, Spanish
  • Current year returns only
Organization:Library Settlement Partners at Sherwood Library
Contact person:Bill The Taxman
Location:1225 Wonderland Rural Route Number0 N1 F5 e  a! E1 O/ f
London, ON N6G 2V9" K/ h( e  s! z2 q$ j% u
Clinic dates:
  • March 07, 2014 to April 25, 20144 W. }4 S1 `' k4 L% Z0 {8 L
    Every Friday" U0 o2 Z! o% r" R+ R
    9:30am to 4:30pm
  • March 08, 2014 to April 26, 2014: F% h/ k. K) C2 x/ W' m5 Z
    Every Saturday# W: {" p) T5 l/ G' r
    9:30am to 12:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment1 O/ `# k+ v8 N5 s( c; e  Q
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Prior and current year returns
Contact person:Joanne Misselbrook
Phone number:519-438-8676
Location:866 Dundas Street* m/ j1 X9 e8 {
London, ON N5Z 2M7
- N! @2 M+ G: |9 M: o* S/ ^
Clinic dates:
  • Year-round
    ' H0 l& o1 ^: {. SEvery Wednesday1 N+ K" @! U8 u6 l* u1 |5 s
    10:00am to 12:00pm
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For all
Income information:Does not serve clients that exceed the suggested income
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Penny Moore’s Tax Clinic
Contact person:Penny Moore
Phone number:519-435-0994
# g. ?' U" d/ E! x3 B3 YLondon, ON
0 g' y, z( D% L3 P; r/ M, oThe address will be provided when the appointment is booked" ~2 |8 K3 D- X
Clinic dates:
  • Year-round
Clinic type:With appointment and drop off
Client type:For all
Income information:Does not serve clients that exceed the suggested income
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Salvation Army Centre of Hope - London
Contact person:Becky Thiessen
Phone number:519-661-1359
Location:281 Wellington Street
% g5 V5 E6 i( X) B( B( a( pLondon, ON N6B 2L4% h& O1 N  ]' x" C
Clinic dates:
  • March 04, 2014 to April 23, 2014; g. r( \" }8 D1 T7 Z' q9 [
    Every Tuesday and Wednesday- Q6 Z: Z3 v* Q$ D/ b) _  u9 _
    9:30am to 3:00pm
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For all
Income information:Does not serve clients that exceed the suggested income
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:South London Neighbourhood Resources Centre
Contact person:
Phone number:519-686-8600
Location:1119 Jalna Boulevard9 k8 E7 k- j* ^7 m1 E% N
London, ON
' \' X; T9 y! Q# b/ v8 _/ Z% x
Clinic dates:
  • March 01, 2014 to March 29, 2014
    9 L, v7 Q5 ?+ Y8 n5 r  ^; b1 `Every Saturday
    2 g# t8 ]/ y, Z10:00am to 4:00pm
  • March 21, 2014 to April 04, 2014) T" Q3 v# O, L  `
    Every Friday0 v5 i& V7 w. u
    12:00pm to 4:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
! s0 [- `+ u7 p% h+ N1 Y6 k7 ?Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
Language:Arabic, English, Spanish
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on March 8 and 15, 2014
Organization:South London Neighbourhood Resources Centre
Contact person:
Phone number:519-686-8600
Location:1119 Jalna7 K2 @% C% _3 ?5 P0 b+ G
London, ON ! p. p$ w8 [) C- |1 x" s
Clinic dates:
  • March 04, 2014 to April 01, 2014* |# U! K" q) M  k
    Every Tuesday; p" b. I5 B* {! J) b$ J! u
    5:00pm to 8:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment" Z( o) {3 l1 D; g5 U
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
Language:Arabic, English, Spanish
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on March 11, 2014
Organization:St. Anne’s Anglican Church - Byron
Contact person:Trisha Phibbs
Phone number:519-471-0800
Location:1344 Commissioners Road W
* w* a7 F; \5 M" j6 i0 eLondon, ON N6K 1E1
4 d" P# [$ B' f6 ?0 Q9 g
Clinic dates:
  • March 03, 2014 to April 28, 20144 I) G/ A+ U! A! M1 N$ W6 I
    Every Monday
    * p! {/ K' z6 C/ G; P' `2 d9:00am to 3:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment/ T8 N1 B5 ^! f4 T  B- W2 |
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
Income information:Does not serve clients that exceed the suggested income
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed Easter Monday
Organization:Western University USC Income Tax Clinic
Contact person:Lisa Hui
Location:1151 Richmond Street( m4 K  W/ K% U8 @' E
London, ON N6A 3K7
0 ^/ I5 G/ z; W  P, f/ L
Clinic dates:
  • March 24, 2014 to March 28, 2014) z* w3 `8 h+ w+ }
    9:00am to 5:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment$ i, D* V% C$ m5 @8 _
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For students only
  • Current year returns only
  • Only serves students of Western University
Organization:White Oaks United Church
Contact person:John McLean
Phone number:519-652-2916
Location:1901 Jalna Boulevard
" E0 w* S  E) }, G! T$ M, YLondon, ON N6E 3V9. E/ q+ p  l, O0 G* H: j
Clinic dates:
  • March 05, 2014 to April 25, 2014  u( C) ~" ^2 i8 A& G; B* M
    Every Wednesday and Friday* ?1 O  d- t  R  ]0 c* D% f
    9:00am to 1:00pm8 Q% u) L' _8 W/ t5 a8 i
    Call for holiday hours
Clinic type:Without appointment
6 l/ S7 i; y* c3 f, TWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Prior and current year returns
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

1073 点
1953 金币
发表于 2014-3-10 19:08 | 显示全部楼层
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