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发表于 2009-1-22 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从东部时间1月22日早7:00时至2月5日早7:00,罗杰斯PersonalTV将为数码有线电视用户提供免费预览以下热门中文频道:中国央视4套(596频道),凤凰卫视美洲台(599频道),东森卫视(598频道),亚洲电视美洲台(588频道)及广东南方电视台(589频道)。" t0 A/ e* j( i& D. ?

3 D  `3 ?0 u* z2 D3 N. ]ATV Home) k, p# j( U9 @: i5 F& u
Free Preview on Channel 588
" w! Z# b% E7 a" o$ J
" V1 i+ n, S  H7 G2 q0 \5 LPreview Starts: Thursday, January 22, 20096 m6 b; o8 t8 Y5 n  X: S0 u6 K
Preview Ends: Thursday, February 5, 2009: T6 a- X7 Y% E9 ]' B6 _& ?
! @+ h" p6 ~9 R6 z& E, \. D8 F
A leading Cantonese television channel from Hong Kong, ATV Home Channel (America) provides a full range of television entertainment to Chinese communities throughout North America. This channel broadcasts the best and most up-to-date cultural and current events from Hong Kong. The latest dramas, movies, talk shows, news, current affairs and children’s entertainment are all part of this fantastic channel.8 e0 ~& }: v  m0 T3 v4 e

/ j2 b' g4 Y" S$ {: _' fTo order ATV Home please visit www.rogers.com/multicultural at the conclusion of the preview.
0 O$ w& N- R, _6 [" C" X9 s+ i$ Z1 E6 X7 Y6 y
Guangdong Southern TV
9 s/ d) s* A1 h% b% h5 g  F6 F4 M- y8 H- t4 N
Guangdong Southern TV
0 g# Z8 d, h' a! W4 W% D  KFree Preview on Channel 5896 G; V5 p0 {7 l/ z# K* t
. m' `: y6 H/ _0 v( |' T
Preview Starts: Thursday, January 22, 20092 N; T" q8 n/ y4 N5 U  S
Preview Ends: Thursday, February 5, 20096 u* U+ l8 \7 x
! C( X8 J2 g) c5 n. v8 G" q+ o; t
Features attractive Cantonese programs for Cantonese communities in North America. Content ranges from Chinese history to current affairs and from environmental issues to cultural exploration and entertainment.
5 @0 e6 }5 {* \7 |% i
7 q$ K' r' N1 h* tTo order Guangdong Southern TV please visit www.rogers.com/multicultural at the conclusion of the preview.+ J, J4 c5 F* H  K

1 g) r( `7 T) qCCTV-4 9 J6 q8 ~; _8 w* g
) D) b# m" L) m; i' _
CCTV-4! J+ l+ h2 _8 U3 I3 _
Free Preview on Channel 596
0 j9 W" ?/ H, M, {- h! [* v; R! x* b7 c, i% h8 s0 P( c
Preview Starts: Thursday, January 22, 20087 A. E$ F3 A# G) g7 d) {3 @
Preview Ends: Thursday, February 5, 20098 v4 @" n' \! M$ s
  S8 a8 C) T; D* P
Specializing in news reports, CCTV-4 also delivers entertainment, educational and consulting services. Since 1992, it has won a reputation around the world for its high level of culture, relevance and authority.4 u9 ~5 D7 y4 l+ b, Y: \
7 D% u8 u. u1 g: M: C' K$ j+ ]
To order CCTV-4 please visit www.rogers.com/multicultural at the conclusion of the preview.+ x, x8 G& t" d
9 W+ o0 u. D, f
Phoenix North America
  n3 _) ]3 O$ V. y/ ~7 Q) ]( B) L
0 q1 \# e/ h* a! ], PPhoenix North America
0 N% w% [( f. W+ y: C' Z# W' rFree Preview on Channel 599% x4 J% N& |$ U9 V, Y3 C+ f
) p! P( v. A, K5 T9 G
Preview Starts: Thursday, January 22, 2009. p. H* Y6 C2 A3 b# D# @; Z% @
Preview Ends: Thursday, February 5, 20090 O; b9 Y* B. M" t0 Q: b3 n# l

" t/ a3 c  v8 s3 T( q/ hPhoenix North America Chinese Channel provides the latest news and entertainment television from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and other countries in the Asian Pacific region, 24-hours-a-day. Broadcast primarily in Mandarin, this Chinese-language channel delivers a complete variety of television entertainment, including movies, dramas, talk shows, game shows, family and children\'s programming, documentaries and live news.9 @5 {: e. g  H6 M
, l. M" p4 b: }8 c
To order Phoenix North America please visit www.rogers.com/multicultural at the conclusion of the preview.2 m; r2 A. Q- s6 G3 J$ a6 k

. \2 y% t/ N3 L" pET Global 9 X7 q% x5 k! c$ a  `% X

* a3 F6 y* s4 a( `, T& vET Global* k4 g8 C$ w  G# `
Free Preview on Channel 598
( j( q5 G2 d+ V" u4 J
$ p5 K3 i! n$ u7 ~$ DPreview Starts: Thursday, January 22, 2009
/ N3 L" H, @) d+ ~: {# [Preview Ends: Thursday, February 5, 2009+ ?" C- G9 N' n3 m1 D/ M2 R7 k

9 n% }, ^# z* k) G8 e" n' MET Global is a Mandarin Chinese general entertainment channel featuring a wide variety of programming. The program lineup includes ETTV U.S. news, the in-depth \"ET Worldwide\" call-in program, a widely popular celebrity talk program about fortune teller, an English-language learning series, made-for-television dramas, and \"down-home country\" entertainment programs.- q6 j0 u* ^5 M% S/ ]; M7 @, q
0 P. H6 A% R4 h2 n4 y9 |7 n" C( i
To order ET Global please visit www.rogers.com/multicultural at the conclusion of the preview.
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