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Moving sale









庶人 三级

Rank: 1

10 点
440 金币
发表于 2009-2-19 00:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. 1994 Honda Accord EX, auto, 4 cylinder, 2.2L, pw, pl, pm, cruise control, A/C in good condition, cassette/FM, 230K, white exterior, gray interior, lots of new parts including exhaust pipe, gas tank, daytime running light module, engine O2 sensor, battery (total cost is over $1500), well-maintained, drive excellently in local and highway, good shape, but there is a little rust damage at the side of rear wheel (that’s normal for Honda body at this age car), no any accident. E-tested (Dec, 2008). I owned this car from Oct, 2006, I originally wanted to keep this car for more years so I spent much money to maintain this car, but I have to move because of job change. It’s reluctant for me to sell it because it never put me in embarrassed situations on the road. 9 ?9 ~7 W: }: m/ f! U

3 u) e' p( i, |9 [# H2 S2. Sealy Double size bed
# M9 E- g7 u" SWe bought it 3 years ago from Costco (price was over $500), include mattress, box and frame. In fact, we just slept on it for one year, then we used it for my baby when she gave birth two years ago. Excellent condition for mattress and box, very clean, mattress is very firm, not soft.
. R* ]. `; B' p, \. a. p; h/ T% B/ r  n7 f5 \! P, p
If you have interest in above items, pls come and take a look then give the price, or we can discuss the price with email. If price is reasonable, I can sell.
6 ~" q+ k# x2 o3 `3 x4 Q4 u
- M9 `3 E2 p- Q+ ^$ o3.  Crib plus music mobile# t6 |9 W6 G+ A: c& D: U6 q
We bought it two years ago, we are second user for this crib but my baby never slept in it. Mattress is in good condition. We still have a music mobile, we bought it from Walmart but just used it for half one year. We ask for $60 totally.
! [, u6 O, m  U9 B2 L2 {; d7 N7 L  s4 k
4. Graco highchair: $35;
/ ]! a$ M8 w8 I1 u- B) ]( E5 y8 T5. TV+DVD+VCR: $120$ ^- g& C) {) L5 i$ o* a3 }
21\' Toshiba, we bought it from Sears at $199 3 years ago;
0 A9 m  Q9 W4 ^Coby DVD Kit: USD$ 56, just one and half years; 包括DVD, 两个音箱和一个功放机;
- R$ Q* c/ q, E/ v* Q9 ?Zenith VCR, it was second-hand;8 s1 ]* S, \7 U! s7 g& P
6. Avalon Playpen: $45, rarely used;7 H) o# i5 a! c: k: I
7. Fisherprice bouncer: $15; 0 S( ]: N4 {- V" }& }# B
8. Dinning table plus chairs: $10;
4 i& O+ O4 ~5 {& k: }0 N
; r  o  h% w- @( d3 `I still have some other items to sell, if you have interest, pls email me (hwang273@uwo.ca) to require or ask for more pics. * u* W% S- M# C8 i/ r) \
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