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1588 金币
发表于 2015-3-26 16:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Volunteer Tax Preparation Clinics - London, ON
  y8 b( y) S, F, ?http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/vlntr/clncs/london-on-eng.html# ~/ v0 e" @3 K3 j  O  s2 v
3 M0 Y- W9 O$ O; W2 }6 ?
Organization:Argyle Community Association at East London Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Location:2016 Dundas Street E
" c4 J; J- `* NLondon, ON 1 M: v7 K! e5 N, m$ l7 d
Clinic dates:
  • March 03, 2015 to April 28, 2015
    + n2 b4 g& ^, h: y0 I1 j9 LEvery Tuesday. Y' s) q6 f' l7 [2 o& u" y2 j
    9:30am to 3:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
+ D# \# |5 q; \8 X  H2 l% T3 cWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on March 17, 2015
Organization:Chinese Canadian National Council – London Chapter
Contact person:An An
Phone number:519-451-0760
Location:1701 Trafalgar Street
( X" B4 T) ~; oLondon, ON N5W 1X2
' R7 [6 Z' M5 ~: M) }. O( ^" U
Clinic dates:
  • March 05, 2015 to April 30, 2015
    , W7 |! n! `6 n+ m- o1 F3 IEvery Thursday and Friday
    * u+ Z7 J" i" G2 R) C# p( l! S/ B1 d12:30pm to 4:30pm
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For all
Language:Cantonese, English, Mandarin
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Current year returns only
Organization:Cross Cultural Learner Centre at Central Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Location:251 Dundas St.
2 `6 L2 a" C! I( z0 m5 K/ |) v+ ^London, ON 9 j. @* }, o! B( o3 D8 U
Clinic dates:
  • March 05, 2015 to April 30, 2015+ X1 V# C1 z, R; p
    Every Thursday
    6 Y+ M+ l9 a# V) B, W" ~% D& e9:30am to 3:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
, H8 Y) k( Y8 m0 U, I- }Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre at Crouch Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Location:550 Hamilton Road
$ o; i$ s3 {* s- d" \1 d' U8 VLondon, ON
, {- r1 x7 H$ Y
Clinic dates:
  • March 06, 2015 to April 24, 2015
    * Y; y  S; M* k" U) V) f, A* CEvery Friday- Q) `1 p( F7 h4 v
    9:30am to 3:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment0 ~* T1 {9 y! I3 ]
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on April 3, 2015
Organization:Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre at Crouch Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Location:550 Hamilton Road
! z6 V) U3 e" V; F& WLondon, ON : T' b9 u9 R& f- y! V
Clinic dates:
  • March 07, 2015 to April 25, 2015
    , f  y2 y3 |# w' ^! HEvery Saturday
    6 m; C* h: S& Z# H4 t4 h# u+ y1 i9:30am to 12:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
" D- p: Q4 U! X1 E( JWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on April 4, 2015
Organization:Family Centre Carling Thames
Contact person:Charles Wilson
Phone number:519-432-0488
Location:335 Belfield Street  H: F2 {- D6 o( o: n
London, ON 4 M# M, ?8 r& o/ o1 k1 M: r2 z
Clinic dates:
  • March 02, 2015 to April 27, 2015
    " ^, I( K  y" e8 [9 g! m  b9 lEvery Monday
    6 }2 A3 g+ Q  ?5 ]12:30pm to 3:00pm
  • March 05, 2015 to April 30, 20159 v( S. n: b/ {$ q$ V
    Every Thursday
    & a9 e. y+ r6 H: T; R8 f5 J: A2:00pm to 5:00pm
Clinic type:With appointment and drop off
Client type:For all
Language:English, Spanish
Organization:Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre at Pond Mills library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Location:1166 Commissioners Road E) L1 E( \) R& ~; G
London, ON 1 R" a& T$ s$ m' |% z$ I2 B
Clinic dates:
  • March 05, 2015 to April 30, 2015
    3 G3 O+ t; F2 M& LEvery Thursday
    6 y* [0 F9 |8 A  w12:00pm to 3:00pm
  • March 06, 2015 to April 24, 20150 \; p* Z+ \) T* U" Q
    Every Friday
    " X. D( {+ H  H  s3 m8 \* s12:00pm to 4:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment3 n; o" r6 t2 R0 `- l# U
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
Language:English, German
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on March 19, 2015
  • Closed on March 20, 2015 and April 3, 2015
Organization:Goodwill Industries
Contact person:
Location:255 Horton Street
' h) [: f; M6 s, |: JLondon, ON
: V7 _+ O" {/ Z  u6 b$ x. _  O5 {
Clinic dates:
  • March 02, 2015 to April 27, 2015
    1 p% s& Z9 K3 f6 u6 I6 REvery Monday/ y( ~# u8 `9 {, [3 u2 H1 a, F
    9:30am to 3:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment8 O1 Z* s3 L4 P7 A. s7 R- a
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Hilda Mateus
Contact person:Hilda Mateus
Phone number:519-690-1686
Location:323 Horton Street
# s0 J$ t% Q  @London, ON
- g  v- l8 x. B7 b5 s
Clinic dates:
  • March 01, 2015 to April 26, 20152 ?& c0 Q/ ^: P6 p! L, v
    Every Sunday
    . d. q! N( i9 M4 y10:00am to 1:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
. d* m3 P8 s9 H# i4 t+ n! RWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
Language:English, Spanish
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Irene Mathyssen, MP Office
Contact person:
Phone number:519-685-4745
Location:1700 Dundas Street
8 ^% ?* d6 h% ~- q1 I& g. FLondon, ON " g" m) N' Z7 w2 P1 c4 _  r
Clinic dates:
  • March 03, 2015 to April 28, 2015
    * r$ i* }# o  qEvery Tuesday
    ) m( f5 v  w9 _" X10:00am to 3:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment* ~  C6 A6 Q4 e% b# f0 h
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Library Settlement Partners at Sherwood Forest Library
Contact person:
Location:1225 Wonderland Road N! Z( ~* E) o6 Q4 b$ M- T/ A' `. r
London, ON ( m: P% E* w4 @5 o3 b  \2 r
Clinic dates:
  • March 06, 2015 to April 24, 2015; s5 W) B9 A6 ~: W1 q
    Every Friday# n8 k% U! p) A
    9:30am to 4:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment1 O6 p# g3 D0 ]
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on April 3, 2015
Organization:Library Settlement Partners at Sherwood Forest Library
Contact person:
Location:1225 Wonderland Road N
0 x$ L3 P, Q" V5 D9 LLondon, ON 1 S( L/ E6 ^& e
Clinic dates:
  • March 07, 2015 to April 25, 20150 @9 Q) y4 D. |3 x# ~" |; O
    Every Saturday( \) q' L2 Z5 w7 m: j
    9:30am to 12:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
6 k  H; J5 u: a) N8 CWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on April 4, 2015
Organization:Life Spin
Contact person:Joanne Misselbrook
Phone number:519-438-8676
Location:866 A Dundas St. P.O Box 2801
& l+ q  B3 J" q- u8 h1 r) aLondon, ON N6A 4H4; _$ m7 p0 y% u" Z' k; Q
Clinic dates:
  • Year-round
    7 x; U) P  j8 r, o/ _Every Wednesday' o5 \/ C! Y# G5 o( m
    9:30am to 12:00pm
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:London Intercommunity Health at Beacock Library
Contact person:Diane MacMillan
Location:1280 Huron Street
3 w' m& D* J4 g! b- N9 xLondon, ON
  K. W% q+ ]6 c$ {- |% e" f+ T
Clinic dates:
  • March 04, 2015 to April 29, 2015
    ) d5 B1 c1 ~* wEvery Wednesday
    & M2 y' \- x& y, S9:30am to 3:30pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
; @3 @$ {/ _. c4 iWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on March 18, 2015
Organization:Penny Moore’s Tax Clinic
Contact person:Penny Moore
Phone number:519-435-0994
" F! M( i6 B, K0 u6 Z/ nLondon, ON , |+ k2 o, q- [1 r* T
The address will be provided when the appointment is booked
% M0 W( x# t  V, P* T/ [8 G
Clinic dates:
  • Year-round
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:Salvation Army Centre of Hope London
Contact person:
Phone number:519-661-1359
Location:281 Wellington Street4 S% e5 W* U9 `3 l: p* x
London, ON N6B 2L4% y* n& v6 I( K" @( \: ^
Clinic dates:
  • March 04, 2015 to April 29, 2015
    4 r& p$ F, f- C1 b) |Every Monday and Wednesday
    6 l9 N  i& S3 ?/ B3 j5 Z9:30am to 3:00pm
Clinic type:With appointment
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Prior and current year returns
Organization:South London Neighborhood Resources Centre
Contact person:
Location:1119 Jalna Boulevard
* O' M# Z8 F$ ?! XLondon, ON N6E 3B3
4 u/ b4 r1 z; w5 e8 r2 ]- s
Clinic dates:
  • March 03, 2015 to March 24, 2015
    # d4 k) @8 o3 K% H6 \5 rEvery Tuesday  i& ^# b0 E% j! k' M
    1:00pm to 8:00pm
  • March 04, 2015 to April 08, 2015
    1 x$ ^# J: @  c$ |! H3 j: |; oEvery Wednesday- L7 Q( n; a3 i& b" C1 {$ d( ]! G+ M( G
    1:00pm to 8:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
! S5 Q% i. ?8 H. Q) p5 J+ ZWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Current year returns only
  • Closed on March 17, 2015
  • Closed on March 18, 2015
Organization:St. Anne’s Anglican Church - Byron
Contact person:Trisha Phibbs
Phone number:519-471-0800
Location:1344 Commissioners Road W
& j  J* i* y1 F) u- Z1 M7 A; s' z4 l. {London, ON N6K 1E1
& r/ I" o, W0 O3 O
Clinic dates:
  • March 30, 2015 to April 27, 2015( S1 C! h/ X! x8 x$ p# I6 Z1 |
    Every Monday0 x- \2 E: [6 a4 q
    9:00am to 4:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment2 _" ?' C4 S2 e
Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Clinic location is wheelchair accessible
  • Closed on April 6, 2015
Organization:Western USC Income Tax Clinic
Contact person:Daniel Welch
Location:1151 Richmond St. (Mustang Lounge)
: ?- ^) H  E- _1 ?! ^London, ON N6A 3K71 t# K5 w8 F  s) l6 l
Clinic dates:
  • March 23, 2015 to March 27, 20158 @+ J+ Q8 [: P9 V: N/ l) o
    Every Monday to Friday, ]3 T* _8 S+ B$ A
    9:30am to 6:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
2 r" T1 M) I  v  }$ dWalk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Current year returns only
Organization:Western USC Income Tax Clinic
Contact person:Daniel Welch
Location:1151 Richmond St. (Mustang Lounge)& \% |) p3 a( P* X
London, ON N6A 3K7
! t7 ~( `& m0 |' |& ~
Clinic dates:
  • March 28, 20153 q: v# u# f. t) A
    9:30am to 1:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
7 F) _5 ]& E& [Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Current year returns only
  • Only serves undergrad students at Western University
Organization:White Oaks United Church
Contact person:John McLean
Location:1901 Jalna Boulevard0 |: w5 {5 o7 i: E9 X! D& D9 X1 [
London, ON
% _6 ]+ M: ?9 x& K7 C
Clinic dates:
  • March 04, 2015 to April 29, 2015: v4 w8 {7 `6 W( |! s; K# ]6 y* r
    Every Wednesday
    - u8 B& e, m1 Q! T. h& X! _9:00am to 1:00pm
  • March 06, 2015 to April 24, 2015
    3 R5 m% _/ ], h& Q/ ZEvery Friday
    : y4 X& _7 t1 r. g/ j# t) `# c9:00am to 1:00pm
Clinic type:Without appointment
; r6 p/ {# \5 K# [Walk-ins are welcome
Client type:For all
  • Prior and current year returns
  • Closed on April 3, 2015
闲时看花, 认真的生活








Rank: 1

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253 金币
发表于 2015-10-3 20:18 | 显示全部楼层
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