
- 积分
- 49
- 威望
- 5 点
- 资产
- 216 金币
- 注册时间
- 2010-5-18
回复 12# bluegohell
所以你也吸取一个教训 就是下次交货前先把该检查的检查好再给钱。 不过如果是原厂自带的她换掉就太恶心了 两点 一把收据和名字贴出来曝光一下
二:如果不爽可以去曝光车牌 扎轮胎 泼她车汽油 KEY她车 晚上jack up her porsche and take the wheel off, strip her wipers stick shit into
her muffler There're so many possibilities in the world to get her back, use a bit of ur imagination.. but keep this in mind, if you think
or realize the guy is fucked up, just do not deal with this kind of people. that's ur best bet. Now you are on the loser's side already.
几百快钱法律援助还不够费事的呢 所以你懂得 真的生气就搞她 怕毛。 |